Monday, July 2, 2012

Things Happen Fast For a Reason

I have not had time to think about anything that has gone on in the last week and it's a damn good thing. Mom had gallbladder surgery and we signed a contract on the house. Also, this July 4th makes 3 years since Cody and I met. Sometimes I think the Lord intends on things happening so fast because he knows it's exactly what he wants for you and he doesn't give you time to think and back out. This includes meeting Cody 3 years ago and we were married 10 months later. That mess happened fast too!! Ha.

Last Tuesday our realtor who happens to be a very good friend of ours as well, Eric, called and said the potential buyers said we were asking too much for the house and they just couldn't swing the price we wanted. Cody and I were bummed but almost relieved with the fear of REALLY building new home with the economy the way it is. Well, Wednesday Eric called again and said they accepted our offer and wanted to close without a survey or inspection and wanted us out ASAP. I have been in panic mode ever since. The first two days I cried not because I'm scared or think we won't be able to make it with one income in a brand new house, but because this is where it all started for our family. When I moved in this house with Cody there was wallpaper from floor to celing and it still looked like a 80 year old woman lived here. I have blood, sweat,and tears here and this is where the boys feel comfortable. I am emotionally attached to this tiny place. We have made this our home! I know this is exactly what was supoosed to happen because up to this point everything has fallen in to place. We found a rent house and I am supposed to be packing up this one. I have packed one box in a weeks time but I have pinned about 500 things for the new house that I don't have yet. Funny how procrastination takes over. We have to be out by the 31st of July and we hope to pour our slab around that same time. I have stared at blue prints until I am sick and I am not certain if I even know what this house is really going to look like when we are done. Cody and I have had a deal that he will take care of the outside and I will do the inside. It's overwhelming to know I can pick ANY color and style of everything that goes in the new house. Y'all know I love to decorate but it's much easier when you already have something to work with. I am so excited to get started!

This is Luke's classic face when he doesn't get his way lately. He does not like the word NO.

The boys are growing like crazy and keep us laughing. Luke has developed quite the personality lately and I think he's going to be a handfull the older he gets. Jake has been the opposite. He seems to calm down more and more each day. I had promised Cody when we poured the slab on the new house we could start trying for another baby. This totally freaks me out!

I hope I can blog more. I need to record stuff Luke is doing. He is talking like crazy and he loves to do things to make you laugh. He did say his first sentence last week plain as day when I was changing his diaper. He said, "mama said NO NO." He hears that a lot.


  1. Busy, busy at the DeSpain household!! Congrats on the contract! And I can so can see you in Luke's precious face!! Awe, I love little kiddos. Hope y'all are enjoying the summer together.

  2. He will never give you too much you can't handle - you got this!!! So happy for you and your family - thank you for allowing me to be apart of this great journey!!!

  3. It's so good to hear all the great things going on in your life! I am so happy for you!
