Luke is 4 months old and nothing short of spoiled rotten. He will whine in his swing and the minute we go over and pick him up he is grinning from ear to ear. What have we done??!! I think he is somewhere close to 17 pounds. He has to be 28-30 inches long. He is wearing 9 month clothes and some of them are still to short. I ordered some onesie extenders to try and make some of his clothes last longer than a few weeks. He is growing so fast. I was afraid of this! He is rolling over and laughing so much. He would hold his own bottle but I wont let him. Its to much at once, and I pray to make it stop. Cody finally told me the other night he understood what I meant about not wanting him to grow up. I am going to give him his first bowl of rice cereal today. His formula is not holding him over anymore and I refuse to give him more than 6 ounces at his age. He needs some substance I think. We are going for his 4 month check up tomorrow so we will see what the doctor says. It is crazy how fast he is growing up. Cody and I look at his newborn pictures all of the time and cant believe how much he has changed. He is still the perfect baby that I am borderline obsessed with. Although, I am so thankful I have been able to stay home for 4 months with him I have no idea how I will leave him in less than a month when school starts. It's going to be one sad day.
Jake is loving the summer and has been mistaken for Hispanic too many times to count lately. He has turned out to be one heck of a little swimmer. He is still obsessed with his guitar and Grammy bought him a set of microphones. He thinks he has made it to the top already. Jake will drop everything to play guitars with Cody. I have no clue how Cody keeps a tune with Jake strumming in the background. It makes me so happy to see him be so passionate at such a young age.I guess it gives me the reassurance that he will practice at something hes not the best at to get better. I have always prayed that my children will be well rounded kids. Of course, academics is so important to me but I also want them to be socially involved. I look back and remember basketball pushing me to make better grades so I was never on the sideline watching. I am completely okay with not having a valedictorian come out of my house. I do want a child who has friends, is involved in extra curricular activities, and well behaved when he is not at home. At this point when I look at him I see a little boy who was a complete terror at 18 months old. I was scared to death something may be wrong with him because he had a mind of his own. No matter what I told him, how hard I spanked him, or how long he sat in time out, he did exactly what he wanted. I read and prayed, read and prayed, and read and prayed on how to discipline him. I made sure I gave him so much love and affection every step of the way. The only thing I can come up with is God answers prayers because he has turned out to be such a good kid. He still has bad days here and there but for the most part its amazing to see the complete turn around hes made. He opens the doors for me and tells me I look like a princess when I am dressed up. He says yes ma'am and no ma'am more often than not. He has come around to be such a sweet big brother and loves to be with our family more than anything else. Just like Luke, he is growing up way too fast.
Cody and I just got back from Florida and we had a blast! Amy was absolutely stunning and her wedding was so much fun! I will post pics later!! It's late and we have an early morning doctors appointment. Hope y'all have a great week!