Friday, July 1, 2011

Feelin' Domesticated

Today I leave for a weekend trip with just girls to celebrate Amy getting married!! A bachelorette party if you will. I have been like a kid on Christmas morning. I am so excited to be able to get out of the house and have fun with JUST girls! If you disagree then something is seriously wrong. All moms deserve it. You know, like, be able to let your hair down! You should try it! It's not a bad thing, really! Speaking of letting my hair down, Amy got me new extensions and I can barely wait to see her in Austin to get them. My hair sucks, always has, and always will.

Hoping to have fun along the lines of this!

I have been trying to get stuff ready around the house for when I am gone. Mom came up yesterday to help with Luke since I had so much to do. Um, she slept for an hour and a half on the couch when she got here. I never woke her, I figured she needed it. The lady works hard! I put Luke in his swing at 4:30 and went to hustling in the kitchen. I should never admit this but I look up and  it's 6:45, and Luke is still in the swing. Of course I had checked on him in between but that's how good he is. He is so content and happy all of the time! And if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Cody is still not quite sure how he will survive without me here. I cooked ALL day yesterday so he would have food. He is on evening shift this week. After hours in the kitchen yesterday, I made sure I sent him a reminder text about how lucky he was to have me as a wife. I guess I am pretty lucky too, I don't know many husbands that would bear the kids while his wife went away for the weekend, all while taking her bathing suit, shortest dress, and tallest pumps.

So, since I am Amy's MOH my present has to out do every body's, of course. Since Tuesday, I have made a veil, worked on Amy's presents, did Luke's 3 month pictures, cooked 3 meals for my husband, 2 meals for my trip, grocery shopped, cleaned out drawers, and washed every piece of laundry in this house. I'm starting to think  A) that lady Suzy Homemaker ain't got shit on me and B) I should have started earlier due to the bags under my eyes and the gray hair that is WAY more visible than last year.

I got my 10 year reunion invite in the mail this week, I will need to drink a few extra cocktails this weekend just for being so old (tear).

Hope y'all have a fun and safe 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your break! I'm sure Cody will do just fine with the boys...after all, his mom is only a phone call away!
