Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Break, Forever

Two posts in two days! How lucky you all are!!

Last night was probably one of the most challenging evenings me and Cody have had in a while. For some reason Jake's class does not nap every day and it's going to be the death of us. He slept all the way home but it wasn't nearly enough. I felt so bad for him. He cried about everything and he was so sleepy.  BREAKS. MY. HEART. Cody and I were in bed by 8:00 and I felt as if I had not slept in days. I think Luke got up somewhere between 9-10 and I never heard a word. I remember glancing up at some point and saw Cody walking around with him. Thank God for my husband!

 I hit the floor running from the time I got home yesterday until we sat down to eat dinner. It was 6:30 at this point. I put Luke in his highchair and fed him some pears and carrots. That was the first time I held him or played with him since I had been home. I told Cody I was not cooking like "that" anymore, meaning something that took a hour and a half. I got to spend ZERO time with my sweet boy. PW's Cajun pasta was good but not nearly worth the time it took to cook it. And of course, nothing tastes as good as the boys' hugs and kisses.

Today we get out at noon and we have the day off tomorrow. I am praising God. Our calendar says "Fall Break." I'm always up for breaks. Jake needs naps and Luke needs kisses from Mommy. I want to stay on "Fall Break" forever. I will be taking a "break" from cooking for a while. I apologize, Cody.

My dad and step mom are coming up today to spend some time with the boys. My step mom said she is bringing dinner and that is JOYFUL music to my ears after last nights episode! Jake is so excited to see his Paw-Paw!

The computer teacher at school just called me to the lab to hear Jake. I stood by the door and my little, precious baby is reading. It was one of those moments you don't know whether to laugh, smile, or cry. Of course, I did all three. I am so proud of him, and so sad because he is growing up way too fast. This is another reason I will be soaking up some sweet time with my babies this weekend. Don't expect another blog until my LONG weekend is over!!

1 comment:

  1. Fall awesome is that!! And Jake wonderful. Jase is starting to recognize words, but I don't think he is near reading yet. Great job Mom! :)
