Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Face Muscles Hurt

I can't believe Easter is over. It came and went so fast. My brother and his family came down for the long weekend. It is always a riot when he is in town. I mean my face muscles(is that even something?) are suffering from soreness. When he is around our family is full of laughter and smiles. He has always been hilarious, but since his move to Louisiana he has developed a Cajun accent that tends to set off his jokes even better. It's crazy how my kids don't see him near as much as they would like but never forget him. One of Luke's first words were JJ when he had only seen him twice. My whole family jokes that I am Mom's favorite because I am the baby(she doesn't really have a favorite) but being a mom to boys, I know JJ is her favorite deep down inside. People comment about poor Luke will be the middle child when Cody and I have another one day. My brother has it made. He's not mistreated one bit!!! My sister in law has earned her wings in heaven for putting up with the man. I know she catches hell from him, his jokes are so much funnier when they aren't at your expense!

Friday we boiled crawfish at Mom's. The Schwab's came down and hung out. I think Friday night was one of the most fun nights I have had in all my life. This night contributed to my face muscles hurting some more. Julie is another one that has her bed made in Heaven after being married to Eric. They guy is a trip. He talks more shit and is constantly making fun of me. It's a love/hate relationship between us. He's just lucky I love his wife and kids so much!! We ended staying up way too late. Luke's 8am wake up call threw the whole house for a loop!

Eric sipping champagne.

Saturday we packed up and headed back to Cody's family. We hunted eggs and ate and ate. Jake had to spend Easter with his dad. It is always so quiet when he is gone and it leaves me with a sick feeling. Luke started whining when Jake got out of the truck on Saturday. I know I have many years of explaining and heart ache when Luke is old enough to understand the extent of Jake being gone sometimes. It never gets easier. The only thing that could have made me feel remotely better about Jake being gone was the surprise pot of gumbo Cody's dad had made when we got there. It is such a sad situation that food can make me feel this way.

Easter Sunday mass was so crowded at our little church and it was awesome! I loved the sound of folding chairs being brought out. We ended up spending the majority of mass in the cry room because my child wants everyone to know he is there. He tends to throw the objects I give him to keep him quiet and sometimes tries to sing as loud as the congregation when the song is already OVER!  God has to give special Grace to us moms that never hear the Gospel because of small children!

I hope you all had a great Easter and are part of a church family that is just like your own.

My family is addicted to the game LCR. (Google it) My brother was trying to teach Jake how to "make it rain." 


  1. Thanks again for the invite - we had a blast! And YES I have earned a very special seat in Heaven b/c of being Eric's wife! But come on he is endless entertainment haha!! But I do love him!
