Friday, April 13, 2012

My Husband-Submission

Thank Goodness it's Friday. This week has been a crazy one at work and the only choice next week has is to go up!!

Julie told me about a friend of hers that was writing a blog about her spiritual journey. I LOVE to read about other mom's who are doing the same things I am. It makes me feel more grounded and certain I am not as crazy as I think I am. This blog is great but there was one post in particular that hit home today. Two weeks ago I started receiving communion again in the Catholic church, and as a child my mom always told us to give our communion up for something. That something could have been a family that was struggling, loved ones that passed on, an individual going through a hard time, etc. The last two Sundays I have given my communion up for my husband. There are not enough prayers in the world for him to put up with me on a daily basis. If you know my husband you would agree that he is one of the most kind hearted people in the world. He would do ANYTHING for ANYBODY! Being a single mom forced me to make all the decisions at home just a few years ago. It has been a constant struggle for me to be a team player and I know God made Cody just for me for this exact reason. He is definitely the more rationale one and should be the only one who is allowed to speak for us as a family due to my inability to keep my opinions to myself. Ha.

It was so good to read THIS POST and know I am not the only one who struggles with this. I think, as a wife, I will need a constant reminder. But, I have to start somewhere, right?