So, I am not sure who actually came home with the term "stay"at home mom but it had to come about in the 18th century before cars. I have officially been a stay at home mom for eight days now and I have been gone six of those eight. I really don't know how people build a house and work. Between the house and my precious angel, Jake, I am not sure it's possible. Jake has given me a run for my money lately, but I mean what else do I have to do these days?
The first day of Kindergarten went as planned. I cried, he didn't. He came out to the car and said he wanted to go back the next day and I had prayed all day he would say he wanted to be home schooled! The second day my competitive little boy fell in PE while running "super fast"and put his hands out to catch him. He got in the car and showed me his hand and told me what happened. This brought me to tears once again, besides the fact that his hand was twice as big as normal and his fingers were purple, he didn't tell anybody at school he had hurt it. He said he was crying quietly in the corner. BREAK. MY. HEART. We made a trip to the doctor on what would have been the third day of school to get x-rays. I would have loved for him to have perfect attendance this year. Thank goodness it was just sprained and no breaks. The fourth day of school I dropped him off and he gets in the car that afternoon and there are no falls, stories, or tears. That night after dinner we take our usual golf cart ride down to Cody's parents and sit on the back porch to visit. Jake has been driving the golf cart for a few months now with me or Cody in there with him. Well, he asks to drive around the backyard where we are sitting and I agree. Not even ten minutes later we hear a huge crash and the familiar bawling. He backed right in to Big Daddy's shop going through the sheet metal. I think Cody and I were more upset with ourselves than we were Jake. It was one of those moments you have that parenting FAIL feeling.

This weekend both of the boys got baptized and it was the most perfect day of my life besides my wedding day. It was just our family and close friends. I really do not know how it could have been better. Every person there (non-Catholics too) told me how awesome it was. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful priest here in such a small place! I knew things could not do anything but look up for my Jake after this.....
Yesterday I picked Jake up and I knew immediately when he wouldn't look at me that something had happened. I asked how his day was and I got that out the window stare once again. Then, my mom came out. Not good. I knew he had changed his color and he knew what was going to happen when he got home. I gave him the Donna Fox lecture about flipping burgers at Dairy Queen if he wasn't a good student. His behavior and my craziness did force me to get in a two mile run yesterday evening so I could release stress. I know he is not perfect and never will be. It really sucks for him since I have been a teacher and he gets the occasional talk about being "that kid" in class. I know this will not be the last of his color changing days but can't he space some of this out for his mama's sake?!!!
This is the latest picture of the house pad. That stack of lumber is for the guys tomorrow that will show up to start building the forms for the foundation! We are very excited.
This child is a mess. His little personality has "blossomed" to say the least. He is talking so much and running around the house all day. I LOVE being at home for the sake of getting to spend time with him and being refreshed instead of dog tired when Jake gets out of school. We miss Jake tremendously at "cool"during the day and our high light is sitting in the ridiculous car rider line to pick him up. Luke's vocabulary is crazy. He repeats anything you say and can tell me exactly what he wants. He LOVES his brother like crazy. He wakes up and goes to bed with a book in his hands. I go to bed thanking God each night for the opportunity to stay home with these kiddos and give them all the attention they need. I feel like the luckiest mom and wife ever!
I have to share this story-
Luke was eating lunch today about 11:30 and my doorbell rings. I go to the door and Cody's grandpa is there in his pearl snap shirt and jeans. It is always such a sweet surprise when I see him. He tells me he's in trouble and needs my help. He went and dropped off Guy Guy to get her hair done and then went to fill his truck up with gas. Then, he locked his keys in his truck so he WALKED to our house. Pop is in his 80's and its 100 degrees outside. We live about a quater of a mile from the gas station. He comes in and tells me to call Cody's mom because she has a spare to get in their house where he can get his extra truck key. The whole time he is here he is worried about Guy Guy (Cody's grandma) at the beauty shop and her being done before he can get there. Little does Pop know he made my whole week and hopefull yours. All of the horrible things going on in this world he gave me hope today that there is still sweet, loving, precious people out there and I am surrounded by them every single day!