Jake and I had to make the trip to Huntsville last night to pick up the only package of Pampers sensitive diapers from here to the Mason Dixon Line, I swear. I have called every Wal-Mart and Dollar Store with in 50 miles of my house and Target had one package. Luke has developed a rash to any kind of diaper except Sensitive at 9 months old. No clue what is going on. The kid has worn every diaper imaginable up to this point. I tried to order online Wednesday but to have them shipped to my house by Friday it would have cost me $111.00. Do you know what I could do with $111.00? I did learn that you can set up an automatic shipment of anything you want from Target. So, I will be receiving doorstep diapers every 2 weeks and I never have to leave home. Huh, who would have thought? Speaking of Luke, he got this spoon for Christmas and it's the best thing since sliced bread. You just dump the jar of baby food in it and never have to take it out of his mouth. Feeding him baby food has gone from ludicrous to enjoyable because it literally takes 2 minutes to feed him a fruit and vegetable. And there is no mess. I actually thanked God for this after I used it the first time. If you have a baby, or know somebody with a baby, or have a baby mama(or daddy), you MUST get it. Today! They will LOVE you!!!
Cody text me yesterday and asked if I wanted to have dinner at John and Brandy's? They just built a brand new house and have been coming to our house for dinner once every two months for the past 2 years. They have been promising as soon as they got their new house they would be cooking for us to make up for all of those time. Knowing Brandy is so not a cooker(she doesn't care if I say that) I have been pretty impressed both times we have been this month. IT HAS BEEN SO GOOD!!
Jake has been pretty funny this week. I think everything that comes out of his mouth is HiLaRiOuS. His teacher text me yesterday and said she was prepping for their lesson for today and she explained they would be learning about a man that was no longer alive. The class started asking what happened to him? How did he die? My child says he thinks he got shot with a Red Ryder BB gun. Late last night it clicked to me she was talking about Martin Luther King Jr. And my child was talking about him getting killed with a Red Ryder? I have no clue where the kid comes up with stuff like this. He's 100% boy, for sure.
We have no plans for the weekend and I love it. I am hoping we are all in bed by 9 tonight. Jake has another early morning game tomorrow and practice tonight.Y'all pray for me. I am hoping this one goes much better than last weeks.
One last thing...I ran home yesterday before dinner to change and I see this on the counter. Cody is a lunatic. Oh, just some local seasonings from the store my husband picked up. There is no telling what Jake will tell his teacher next when he gets to sounding these spices out. Jake what did you and your family eat for dinner last night? Mom put some good and special shit on our chicken and it made Cody say aw shit!

Happy Weekend!!
Haha...the spices cracked me up!! Hopefully it doesn't taste like Sh*t! LOL!