Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Boys...Kinda Boring

Has it really been two weeks since I blogged?! I am not going to try and catch up because there really has not been too much going on. I came back to work yesterday and it's really not as bad as I thought it would be. I have this week and next week and I am done for the summer. Jake and I are back to our daily drive and talks to and from school while my mom is home with Luke. I saw Jake on the playground yesterday and he begged to come to my room for the rest of the day. He said,"I very don't want to take a nap, Mom." Lord knows he still needs naps so I made him stay! Besides the fact of having to get up so early I think he really loves coming to school. They do the coolest stuff in his room. Sometimes I wish I was a student in there.

Luke is 8 weeks old and is getting to be more fun everyday. I am more in love with him today than I was yesterday. He smiles so big when we talk to him. He has been the perfect baby, really. He sleeps through the night, he never cries, and he is absolutely precious. I still wake up every morning and look at both of them and ask is this really my life? Are these really my kids? Do I really have the most handsome and genuine man as my husband? I just cant get over it. Luke will be going to the doctor for his two month check up soon and I will post all of his stats!! I do know that he was 20 inches when he was born and now he's somewhere between 25 and 26 inches. He's growing like a weed!

Jake took some hard core swimming lessons last summer. I swear his instructor was an Army drill seargent at one time. I was allowed to go and secretly watch on his last lesson and I was amazed at what she had taught him but he was scared to death the entire time. He has not done much swimming since then until the last few weeks at moms. He usually stays in the hot tub 98% of the time. The big pool is still a little too much I think. All of the sudden he has been diving to the bottom of the hot tub and picking things up off the bottom. He will swim from one side to the other with his head completely under. Swimming must be the equivalent of riding a bicycle, because he acts like he has done this his whole life. It makes me feel so much more comfortable when we are there. Something about a pool right outside the door and babies makes my stomach turn. Jake has needed so much attention here lately. We play and he wants me to watch him do everything. It's really cute. He is starting to become so independent and wants his mommy to see it all. Who wouldn't want that precious baby following them around all day and wanting to help in every way? Jake is a brown as a bean and I swear his eyelashes have grown another 6 inches overnight. I tell him every night I am going to have to beat the girls away and he better let them know that his mommy is the only girl he loves! He thinks I am kidding. He will learn soon enough how right mommy was.

7 days and counting until summer. I can't wait to be home with my babies again!!!


  1. AWWW 8 weeks already! Wow. I am glad you are adjusting to to kiddos. Hope y'all have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing new pics of those precious boys! U are a lucky mommy!

  2. You have me tearing up because I know how much little boys can steal your heart and they are growing up too quickly!! Love You!
