Friday, November 11, 2011

Giving Thanks All The Way Around

Today is Veteran's Day and Donna Fox's birthday. Y'all know how I feel about my mama. Happy Birthday, mom. My mom has informed me that she is starting a blog. This should be interesting! Stay tuned....

We had a program this morning at school that I helped put together for Veteran's Day. It was so awesome. I am such a crier and I cried almost the whole time. The pictures with soldiers' and their kids get me every time. My best friend Amber, who serves in the Army, left her newborn baby a few years ago to do her deployment in Iraq. I cant even imagine leaving my child. It is not an option for me, and there is some, where its the ONLY option. I think I am such a strong person but things like this totally put things in perspective. I am so weak compared to these men and women. Say an extra prayer today for all of those that have been away from their families for any amount of time.

Cody and I went to church Wednesday and the lesson was over The Trinity. I learned so much and there is still so much to learn. The hardest thing to wrap my mind around is that Jesus was here from the beginning. Not just the New Testament. I have always thought of God as a superior obviously, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all of equal. One is no more superior than the other. Brooke, did a post a few weeks ago on The Trinity and I agree with every word of it. It's a great post. This Wednesday night class has got me hooked. He talked more about forgiveness. This is so hard for me but I am getting better. I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but no matter what, He always does. I have to be more like Him and forgive when sometimes its not deserved, simply because that is the way. We are so blessed to have Father Lowry here. It is often very hard to get a good priest in such a small town.

Cody and I are having a date night in Leona. They pretty much have the best steaks in town. Date nights with my husband makes me more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. My next post will be about these chi-rens of mine. They are growin up quick, and I don't wanna miss a thing!

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