Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I have no idea what happened to the cold weather but this weekend was spent in shorts and flip flops. Come on, it's November for goodness sake. I can't believe Thanksgiving is so close. Where does the time go of a working mother? I can't keep up. My little newborn baby will be 8 months in a week. How did this happen? I did refer to Luke as a newborn this weekend in the store. After the lady asked me how old he was I felt like a complete ditz when I said 8 months.

We ate until we almost popped on Friday night. I even ordered peach cobbler at Leona. You can't leave there without dessert. Like, they wont let you. Or that's whats I tell myself. My husband is a trip, y'all. He came in the room Friday as I was getting dressed to let me know he was ready to go.....

My high school letter jacket

 Saturday I cleaned out toy boxes that were overflowing. Jake came home from his dad's house and with the most serious face he came in the kitchen wondering where all of his toys went. Poor kid, he's so mistreated. I still have no clue where we will put Christmas toys when they get them. We are officially out of room. I know I have said this a million times before. Saturday night we had people over and Cody cooked his famous BBQ pork loin. It is my favorite meat ever. Abby and her family came over too.  Jake and Luke love her girls.

Um, are y'all just going to let this happen?

In case you were wondering, the couch is his stage!

This is Marcus, Cody's cousin. He is definitely one of Jake's absolute favorites.  Marcus and Becky are getting married this weekend. We are so excited for them! And as you can tell, kids can't come soon enough for this guy! He will be an awesome dad. 

I need to update on the boys. Here it goes-

Luke Thomas-
You are the happiest child I have ever seen. You have had a terrible time with your ears and most of the time I never even know you have an ear infection if it weren't for the fever that comes with it. YOU. NEVER. CRY. You absolutely love your big brother. All he has to do is look at you and you light up. You are starting to wander all around the house. You will army crawl from one room to another. You say mama, dada, buba, bye bye, and gaga. You can wave and say bye bye. You have EIGHT teeth at 7 months old. I am pretty sure this is why you have been sick every other week. You love to eat. Carrots, squash, pears, and apples are your favorite. You love bath time. I have started letting you play around with a sippy cup and it will keep you entertained for hours. If you see something you want you will make a quick scream until you get it. We have started putting you in a walker that Granny brought back from Louisiana. You love being able to roll all over the carport and house. You will fight your sleep until you have nothing left. As I rock you, you sing yourself to sleep and right before you fall asleep you make yourself move to wake yourself up. You look up at me with the biggest smile and let out one giggle. It is my favorite thing ever. I count down the hours until I get to walk in the door each evening to see your smiling face. I love you, sweet boy!

Jake Conner-
You are too precious for words, even on weeks like this one where you have been in trouble at school. You say the funniest things. Cody and I laugh at you constantly. You still rock out on a daily basis with your guitars. Your favorite thing to do is play guitars in the living room with Cody. You enjoy coming to school for one reason. Hayden. He is your best friend and after being out on the playground last week with y'all, I see why. Hayden is just as rough as you and y'all are two peas in a pod. You are a very smart little boy and your memory is better than mine on any given day. You are beginning to read and I love to hear you!  You went on your first hunting trip two weeks ago with Uncle Stephen, Colin, and Cody. By Saturday you were calling mama and telling me you wanted to come home. You are a mama's boy and are not one bit ashamed. You are still carrying around your chewed up blanket and I am thinking it may be time to start leaving it at home. This is harder for me to admit that than you can ever imagine. You are currently going through a chocolate milk detox. I threw all of the candy, chocolate syrup, and strawberry syrup out of our house two weeks ago. You were addicted. This has made me realize you are the hungriest child I have ever seen. You have been eating EVERYTHING! I have signed you up for basketball and we start next month. I can't wait!  You got in trouble at school this week for the first time this year. Mr. C, the music teacher, who just happened to give you one of his guitars last week, was trying to get your class quiet. Y'all were all saying gobble, gobble over and over again. He told the class the next one that says it will get their paper thrown in the trash. You decided it would be funny if you looked at him and said gobble, gobble just one more time. I know when you read this in 15 years you will think this is hilarious and I am sure I will too. But for now all it is doing is giving me grey hair, and you a red hiney. I would be completely lost without all of the excitement you bring to my life. I love you, my angel.

The things that come out of my child's mouth....
I will try to make this as short as possible. Last weekend Jake was looking through the pictures on my phone. He came across an Adam & Eve costume I took a picture of to send to my SIL that was going to a costume party. He asked who it was? I told him that was an Adam & Eve costume. He then tells me," Adam & Eve are in trouble, Mom. They were in the garden and they got in trouble. I said, why were they in trouble?" This is how you know you have a child that is being raised in the south. He says they were in trouble for eating "watermelon."

Last week Cody shot a deer and we met him over at his parents' to see it. They were about to start cleaning the deer and I asked Jake if he wanted to come inside with me becuase it was probably going to be nasty. His response," no I saw UIncle Stephen skin a dove until it was naked, I don't care if there is blood."

Hope y'all have a great week!!

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