Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Putting my feet up

My students are benchmark testing today so I actually get to sit at my desk, or blog. Same thing, whatever. For a pregnant lady this is music to my ears. I love a day to rest every once in a while. Have I mentioned how much I love my job? I commute about 40 minutes to work on a country road but it's worth every bit of the drive. My students are GREAT and SMART and I have no public school drama to put up with. Jake comes with me to the pre-school program here. It's truly amazing to say the least. His teacher is a retired kindergarten teacher and she puts up with no bull. Exactly what my little angel needs. It's amazing to see how he has blossomed this year. Jake has been known to body slam a few kids or punch out a window last year at his old day care. In the past, 3 of the 5 days I would pick him up he would have a bad report. This year he has done incredible. It's crazy to see what a little structure can do for the little guy. And not to mention it makes my job much easier considering I am the one who has to be the disciplinarian. It's tough being a parent. I am pretty sure I have consumed half of the wine intake this year as opposed to last. Is that a bad or good thing? Depends on who you ask I guess....

Some funny things Jake said this weekend: I asked him when his dad was getting married? He said, "I don't know, like 6:30?"  Friday on the way to school it was VERY foggy. "Jake said, Mom, I can't even see outside.  I said, I know do you know what that's called? His response, Yep, it's FROGGY!"

So, my last post was about me going to the doctor. I thought I was 25 weeks turns out I was only 23.5. Ugghh. He said everything looked great except my weight. Go figure. Who didn't gain 10 pounds the month of November? He is right though. I am at the weight I was when I delivered Jake and I still have 3 months to go. It seems my tummy is so much bigger this time and it happened so much sooner. I always hear women who have more than one child say this is true. My problem is that between Brooke's new blog and PW I have been in the mood to cook. Bad stuff. And in my house when Mama cooks something good, we eat it. All of it. So Brooke I need you to cook healthy stuff pregnant people can eat and NOT gain weight. K? This week I have tried to make better choices and it has helped. I can tell a difference already. My rings are all fitting again. As far as my belly, well, it's still huge but it's okay. This too shall pass... My family is known for big babies and what I hear about Cody's head when he was born we are all in trouble.

Cody is getting a new truck today. Hallelujah! Did you hear me singing? Hallelujah, Hallelujah! He bought his truck when we first starting dating, I guess about a year and a half ago. I think he was trying to impress me because the truck he had then was only a year old too. Anyway-don't get me wrong, I love the truck he has now. It's got every bell and whistle you can possibly imagine and it comes with a payment that is crazy scary. So he has downsized to a F-150 instead of F-250. The F-150 is still very nice and has everything the big truck has besides the crazy scary payment. And I can actually ride in this one without feeling like I'm going in labor because of the over sized tires that make it so rough. It's a win-win for all of us!

We have a pot luck lunch at work today and I thought I would include the meatballs I brought cause they are super easy and perfect for the occasion:

1 bag of frozen meatballs
1 can of cranberry sauce ( the stuff old people cut for Thanksgiving)
1 bottle of chili sauce ( it's by the mayo and stuff, I had never heard of it either)
*I boiled my meatballs for a hot minute cause they tend to be a little greasy. Strain them. Put the cranberry sauce and chili sauce in a pot(you can use the same one the meatballs boiled in) and cook the sauce. Pour the meatballs in and enjoy! They are SUPER yummy. Prolly not the best if you need your rings to fit like me.


  1. I'll work on no more fatty foods, after this week! Ha! I bet you look fine! If the doctor blind, can he/she not see that you are 6 feet tall?

  2. i was 6 feet tall when i delivered jake too ;)
