Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thirsty Thursday

Wishful thinking on the Thirsty Thursday...but oh how I can pretend! I know they say you can have an occasional glass of wine while you are pregnant but I just can't do it. I have thought oh maybe the last 3 months I will since the baby is so much more developed at that time,  until I was researching some stuff yesterday and it said that whatever the baby has the last trimester stays in it's bloodstream until birth. So, my child will be tipsy when he's born? That makes me feel terrible and more conscious than ever. My thought may change over night on this, depends on how Jake acts.....

I go to the doctor today. I think I am 25 weeks as of tomorrow. That's crazy to me! I cant believe I am more than halfway done!! I know the next 15 weeks will fly by because of the holidays. Jake is coming home today and he will meet me at the doctor. He LOVES getting to hear Luke's heartbeat. He is the most precious thing at the doctor. He sits in the chair in the room and just beams with pride. When my doctor walks in Jake pokes out his chest a bit and acts like such a big boy. His voice gets a little deeper everytime my doctor talks to him. Jake always high-fives him and tells him he wanted a little brother this whole time but mommy wanted a baby girl!  I make it a point to take him everytime, I want him to be so excited about his little brother and anticipate his arrival! Of course, all of this has made him so curious about how Luke got in my tummy and how he will get out. My mom saved the day on that one. She told him it's a miracle that he's in there and only God knows when he will come out. I worry all of the time about Jake and how he will react to not being the only child. For so long it has been just me and Jake. I think it got worse when I met Cody because Cody had no children and he fell in love with Jake. So, now Jake has two people who are CONSTANTLY giving him attention. I know that he will adjust just fine and be the best help in the world! I'm sure this will not be the last post I talk about this is. I think about it every day....

I ordered our Christmas cards today and I can't wait until they are here. I love sending them out and am so excited about next year when we can add a baby to the mix.

Lastly, I guess since I have been doing this blogging Facebook really gets on my nerves. I hate that people put all of their business on there. I mean really? Status updates are so funny to me and the attention people crave when they post stuff. "Just got back from the ER, going to bed" why even update if your not going to say WHY you went. You want 2349078 people to comment "OH MY GOSH, call me ASAP, I hope your ok" or people comment "So glad you are ok, call me in the morning" Or the people that go from single to in a relationship more than once a day? Maybe I shouldn't care but good gosh some things are just better left unsaid!!

Say a prayer that all  goes well at the doctor and he says I'm really 40 weeks and he will take the baby soon! Cause Lord knows I'm ready!

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