Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh, My Head

I watch all of the Real Housewives but Orange County is by far my favorite. I guess because it's the original and it's been on the longest. It is hard for me to get in to shows but once I do I am crazy about them. To all of you I am sure you have realized that they are so stupid from the beginning but I am just seeing how bad this season is. Slade is such a dork, and where did Tamara find Eddie? The more I watch them the more I think they both may have like men in their former life. I am talking about these people on first name basis like I know them and they have NO clue who I am, obviously. Whatev!

Jake and I had a heart to heart this morning about numerous things and my mind is going 90 miles and hour about if I am handling everything the right way. I admit it. I have googled, called my mom, read, spanked, threatened, loved on him, bought him so much new stuff, and just about lost my mind since Luke has been born. Oh, my head. I need help. Advice. It is very apparent he is acting out to get attention and it baffles my mind. Cody and I  make it a point to spend as much one on one time with him as much as we can EVERY day.  I am certain he will be just fine and it will all take some adjusting but what will I do until that time comes??!! I tried to explain to him that Luke is his brother and it is his job to take care of him and never do anything that would hurt him. I explained that my older brother and sister took care of me and were always such good big brothers and sisters. We had the manners talk and how his friends parents will not want him to play with their kids if he doesn't have good manners. I even dropped Jesus's name and how he is always watching and he doesn't like when little boys are ugly to their mommy, daddy, and little brother. I'm torn because I know he needs so much love right now but I have to be just as consistent as I always have and make sure he listens. It's been very hard to say the least. It almost appears he's torn too. One minute he wants to hold Luke and feed him and the next he's being not so nice. Of course I blame myself for not preparing him better of what was about to happen. He has been my only baby for so long and up until 9 months ago I wasn't for sure when I was going to have another one. Not only have I babied (is that a word) his whole life but my WHOLE family has too. He was the first baby in 8 years. He has called the shots for so long. It has been so exhausting. Cody and I are both working so hard and I pray it gets easier real quick. And last but not least, why can't he hit the toilet when he pees???  Y'all pray for me and call me and tell me what to do next!! I have never been one to think I know everything. Brooke Michelle, HELP!!!

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