Thursday, April 7, 2011

Playing Catch Up

I started this post at 10 am. I am determined to get it posted TODAY!

I came in to work for the day because my sweet angel kids have been giving my sub a little hassle to say the least. I figured I would pay them a little visit to get their attention! I was so excited to see them and they were so excited to see me. I had a few not even show up today because they heard I was coming. I like this, it means I'm doing my job!

I left my sweet baby this morning for the first time. I know he is in good hands but it still tore me apart. I was getting that anxious feeling about an hour before E-Beth got there to get him. I text Cody and told him I wasn't sure if I could do this. Jake even asked me more than once this morning who was going to take care of Luke while we were at school? I did learn that it does NOT get easier after the first child.

I haven't blogged in so long because I cant imagine putting Luke down or passing up an extra 30 minutes to play with Jake. It just hasn't been high on my to do list. I am still trying to get some sort of schedule in our house but right now it's being run by this precious miracle that is only 2 weeks old. I have loved staying home more than I thought I would ever imagined. I don't ever want to go back to work full time. Like never ever. I love being able to keep a clean house, do laundry, and have a home cooked meal every night. I do wish Jake's school was a little closer so he could keep going but that just isn't feasible right now with gas prices crazy nuts.

I am trying to lose all this weight that I gained and I am half way there. Jake says I still have a big belly. Who speaks the truth more than kids? And he's right. I'm trying son!

This weekend we are going home. My parents are having their grand opening of the new building on Saturday with hundreds of pounds of craw fish. That's pretty much all they had to say to get me there. I did say HUNDREDS! I will dream about them tonight, all while I'm trying to lose that weight I just mentioned. Maybe I will start Monday! The band that played at our wedding will be playing and Jake already has all of his guitars, cords, and amps ready to load in the car.

I will try and start posting more. Each week gets a little easier and calmer around here. Pray Luke sleeps while we are out of town. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

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