Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When I Grow Up

Yesterday we took a little road trip to Huntsville. I would have never considered Huntsville a road trip until now.  What a difference it makes with a newborn. I have not mastered how to get the boys dressed and get my hair and make up done. I would have to start getting ready the night before. I had to start tanning so I don't look dead out in public.  We went to visit my Nanny, the boys great grandma. It was such a good visit and I left there feeling so guilty and ashamed I don't take them to see her more often. On the way to her house Jake started asking me questions about when he "grows up." I know when I told him that Nanny was his paw paw's mom it threw him for a loop. He told me his paw paw didn't need a mom cause he was grown up. Our conversation was all over the place. He told me he wanted a wedding ring. Maybe because he sees me wearing mine again. I told him he would have a wedding ring one day when he had a wife. He said he didn't want a wife, just his friends and he would pick them up in his truck that was going to be just like his Uncle Stephens. This is not the first time he has mentioned about when he "grows up" to me and Cody. He told us about a month ago he was going to move out of our house but he will build one right next door. I want to just hold him and squeeze him and tell him you will have the rest of your life to be grown up just stay little for your mamas sake! I got a kick out of this because it always amazes me what goes through their minds and how they perceive things.

I think Luke is starting to get his schedule right. He is staying up so much more during the day. It's a damn good thing because I was about to go insane. My poor husband has been catching the worst part. I think he is happy he gets to go to work just to get out of this house and not hear me complain how incredibly tired I am. It's been a rough three weeks but it's starting to get better. I see Luke's eyes more and more each day. He is starting to smile at us and I can't get enough of his kisses. I took him to his two week check up and he had gained a pound and grew two inches. 9.1 pounds and 22 inches long. I think Jake is the smartest child alive but I think Luke is going to give him a run for his money already. From the day he was born he has held this pacifier in his mouth when we give it to him. He LOVES it. I am not sure how I feel about this just yet. I know how hard it will be at 6 months to break him of it. At 2 am it seems like a VERY good idea right now though.

Luke and his great grandparents, Guy Guy and Pop.

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