Monday, September 26, 2011

Calm Before The Storm

It is definitely Monday morning. I am on my second cup of coffee and I am already looking forward to getting home. I took cube steak out to cook. If you don't what that equals you are not Texan. CHICKEN FRIED STEAK!

This weekend was quiet and relaxing! Cody and I stayed around the house and I never applied make up. I like to compare it to the calm before the storm. This weekend coming up and it seems every weekend after that we have stuff to do. I really need to get one of those cute pottery barn planners that go on the wall in the "mud" room to start writing stuff down. Oh wait......We don't even have a second bathroom much less a damn "mud" room. No, but really. I have got to start writing stuff down.

Jake left Friday after school to spend the weekend with his dad. I got home to see Cody had cleaned the house top to bottom. I was so relieved I could relax on the couch until he got off at 11:30. Luke and I hung out and watched TV  for about 10 minutes before I realized how much I hated the quiet house, and what I thought was going to be so much fun, was actually boring and would get depressing! I ask Cody all of the time what we did before kids? And how boring our life was!! Needless to say, I fell asleep rocking Luke by 9:30 and was fast asleep when Cody got home at 11:30.  My idea of a perfect Friday night.

Saturday we had dinner at Cody's parents. His dad cooked what may have been the best steak I have eaten in quite some time. Marcus and Becky came over and we stayed up way late laughing and talking about their upcoming wedding. I am so excited for them. And I love any excuse to have a party!!

Sunday I made the trip to Willis to pick up Jake and we got things back in order at the house. Cody and I were in bed by 9:30. Bliss!!

Tomorrow I am traveling to a funeral and will be on the road for about 2.5 hours. Please pray for safe travels, Amy's family, and one of my favorite bloggers, Jessica. Their grandmother has been a part of my life since Amy and I were six months old and she held such a special place in my heart! I know she is resting peacefully and looking over us all!

Luke got his first  4-wheeler ride and I was a nervous WRECK!!  These people in the country are crazy! 

I think this pic is hilarious because my child is in a baby bed in the back of a truck. I took this pic and posted it because it is so us. I can explain, really! We were taking it to storage and it was in the back of Cody's truck. Of course, that was Jake's invititation to go play. Without a shirt.

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