I am going to try and update this morning but it may turn in to a 3 day post with the way it has been at this house! Did I mention I love it though.....
I am going to try and get this little family of mine outside today, Luke is looking a little yellow to me. I'm sure it's nothing a little Vitamin D can't fix.
I figured I would update on how each of us are adjusting towards Luke-
Jake- Jake thinks his brother is pretty cool and cute. He is way more interested in what body part he came out of and why my tummy doesn't have a huge cut in it. I am still thinking of things to tell him on a daily basis. I am just not ready to spill the whole pot of beans. Jake wants to help me with everything. He wants to carry Luke from his bed to the swing(eeekkkkk), feed him, hold him, change his diapers, and shower him with forehead kisses all day long. I pretty much let him do anything he wants with a little help. Cody still thinks Luke will break so he is a little more apprehensive about it all. I just tell him to turn his head!
Cody- My love for this man grew heaps and bounds this week. I just thought I loved him....He sits and stares at Luke in complete awe. He is scared to death to let him out of his sight and will probably never again leave the house without him unless he is staying with me. This is going to be a LONG 18 years. Ha. I mentioned something about a date night and I don't think that will happen until he's 5. I tried to encourage him to go to a friend's housewarming party last night and that was NOT happening. He has been such a huge help around here just like I knew he would. He changes diapers, feeds, gives baths, cleans, cooks, and gets up at night. The true test for me will be next week when he goes back to work! To say that Cody is so in love with this little boy is a complete understatement!
Me- Well I am mom and you all know we have no time to be anything but super. I was a little nervous before Luke got here wondering how I would have time for everyone and everything. Why did I even question? Like God doesn't know what he's doing. I am overwhelmed by the fact that I have two beautiful baby boys. That this is really my life and all of my dreams are coming true. That all of this happened at the perfect time. That Cody and I are so blessed with great jobs that allow us to be off together. And that we both have such great families that love us so much.I am guilty of holding this little boy all day and kissing him all over his face. I can't believe he will be one week old tomorrow. I am still trying to get our schedules worked out. If he would sleep at night as much as he does during the day I would be good. If you haven't seen our slieshow go check it out. It's so beautiful. Cody and I watch it several times a day and we may or may not cry every time!
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