Monday, November 15, 2010

Breakdowns, Babies, and Blessings

Friday we packed up and headed to Willis for the weekend! This is where breakdowns come into play...For all of my 4 followers that don't know Jake has a blanket he NEVER leaves home without. I am almost embarrassed to carry it around because of the shape that its in, and yes I admit its probably time to retire it and put it up. But I can't, not just yet. As we are packing the car I run through the house one last time to check and make sure there is nothing we left. I see Jake's blanket, so I grab it because I planned on getting sleep this weekend and that would NOT happen without the blankey! So I walk outside to see Jake with one hand on his hip and one propped on Cody's tire and he says, "Mom, you can leave my blanket here, big boys don't need blankeys." I hid the blanket in the back of the Tahoe and looked out the window and cried all the way to Willis. Guess what he asked for Friday night at bedtime? THE BLANKEY!! Whew, I'm not ready for all this! And don't kid yourself, I thanked God that night for one more night with the blankey!


Saturday morning we got up and headed to watch my best friend's babies while she got away for the weekend! My best friend S has a sweet little girl R who will be 3 in June and a baby boy that is 4 months. So lets just say with Jake, R, and T I had my hands COMPLETELY full! The only positive conclusion I came to after I left that Saturday was I would be one hot SKINNY mama. Three kids under the age of 4 are a hand full! And R is a girl version of Jake, so you know they can tear up some stuff in record timing! No, really I had a great time, and the kids behaved wonderfully. I got to hug and hold T, which gave me a taste of the newborn baby feel that I will have all to myself in 20 weeks! Here is Jake and R playing outside, digging in the mud!!


Saturday night we went to the Willis playoff game! Cody, poor thing, has grown up in such a small town so the playoff game, stadium, number of people, drill team, was a shock for him!  He saw they were playing in the paper and really wanted to go. A high school friend of mine is one of the football coaches and my high school basketball coach is the new athletic director. It's always great to see them! Other than that, I would have rather been laying on the couch eating bon bons with milk! Besides me FREEZING my butt off this picture made the whole game worth going!!

Cody is such a blessing to us. He loves Jake just as much as I do. Many Friday nights during this football season Cody will dress Jake and they are out the door to a high school football game! With me being so sick with this pregnancy, I'm usually at home on the couch. I don't know how we ever lived without him!
Sunday we got up and had brunch at my dads which consisted of every kind of good food you could imagine! My step mom is a awesome cook. She is cajun so that makes any cooking twice as good, and probably twice as fattening. I never try to miss a meal she cooks. Cause we all know pregnancy is the only time you don't worry about FAT!!! This may be why I look 7 months preggo instead of just 5!

Here is a pic of my Dad and Jake playing! They are a sweet pair!

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