Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Whistlin' Wednesday

My morning started off outstanding!! Somehow, out in the country, where we live I was able to get 97.9 to come in on my radio!  I usually only get 3 stations and they are nowhere close to 97.9. I never listen to rap music anymore because of the horrible language and explicit detail the songs go in to. Jake has already picked up a few four letter words that I slip and say when I am angry so I defiantly don't need him repeating what is in these songs! Anyway, Jake was not in my car this morning so I was able to blast the radio and sing along to the jams being played. I was so mad it was 39 degrees out because I really wanted to roll the windows down and open the sunroof! Have you ever seen that TV show where they hide the video camera in the car to catch people dancing? Well, I think about this often, and how ridiculous I look in my car. I even check my rear view mirror periodically to see if somebody has set me up with a camera! SO! Don't judge me! Half way to work the station finally faded out and it was back to, "Country Boys and Girls Getting Down on the Farm."

So many people have asked about the baby name. Since I'm no celebrity and nobody really cares what we name our child I guess I will go ahead and reveal it!! LUKE THOMAS! There it's out! I love Jake's name because I consider it short and strong. I wanted to keep it that way. I loved the name Luke after I had Jake. I knew if I ever had another boy his name would be Luke. Cody never knew this, but thank God he liked it too. Cody has suggested one name and that was Jack. Ummmm, no! Not that I don't like the name Jack, its too close to Jake. I told him sure we can have Jake, Jack, and in a few years we could have a little girl and name her Jill. We chose Thomas from a family name of Cody's. It just fits to me. I love the name Carson too, it's my dads middle name and we will try and incorporate it with our next child's name, I think. I'm still on the fence about a next one. It all depends on how much Jake and Luke are alike because I can promise you if they are similar, there will be no more. Everyone says, oh you need a cute girl to dress up. NO I DON'T! I am 5'10 and have a size 10 shoe. There is nothing cute about that, and there is a good possibility she will look just like me considering Jake is my spitting image!

So, Christmas is coming and I have told Cody I want to make this Christmas special for Jake because it will be the last one he will have all alone. This is probably the dumbest idea I have ever had but I'm going with it.  Next year, when we have to budget with another child, Jake will probably think he got short changed when he's only got 2 presents under the tree.  The kid remembers everything, so I am positive he will notice next Christmas. Oh well, I will cross that bridge when I get there!

Jake comes home today, thank you sweet Jesus! I can't wait to see him, it's so hard when he's gone. I know some moms would die for a break every week. I used to praise dance when he would visit his dad but now I cry every time he leaves. I hate it, I really do.

One  last thing, I am honestly really enjoying this blogging thing! If it good for anything else, it has got me and B back in touch again! I am so thankful for that!! B, S, and I used to tear some stuff up and since we all have children and families that has slowly faded away! I love you BML!!!

Happy Hump Day!
I'm making a scentsy order on Tuesday so it will be in before Christmas, let me know if you need anything! They make great Christmas gifts!


  1. You are so cute! So glad you're getting Jake back today, I can't imagine! Love you too!

  2. Luke is such a cute name and seems to fit with your little family. Enjoy your day!

  3. What SCENTSY??? Didn't Amy tell you to sign up under me??? Just kiddin...If you need any help I'm here for you, just call on me. Do you know about the Scentsy Forum?

  4. Really it is his Mom, Diane De La Vega

  5. hey diane-i have been selling it since the begining of summer! i wish i had more time to do more stuff with it, but i dont:( i do love it and enjoy what little i do sell! i will keep you in mind if i have questions!!!

  6. LOVE IT!!! thanks for entertaining me for the day hehe! for the record i always wonder if someone hid a camera in my car too cause i act a fool when im by myself hahaha

  7. That name just seems to fit. besides, i think carson would make a really cute middle name for a little girl ;)

  8. One of my really good friends has Jack and Luke! How funny! I do love that name =) And I am with you on the hidden camera...I often think the same thing!
