Friday, February 11, 2011

Is It Okay to Chest Bump?

When I made my coffee this morning I couldn't find any creamer in the teacher's lounge so I put Jake's leftover chocolate milk in it. Don't judge me, it's been that kind of week. And it was hella good might I add.
My students are driving me nuts, we have writing TAKS test in less than a month and I still have those that talk in ebonic/slang. I could really care less how they talk once they leave my room but the problem is they write exactly like they talk. It's sad y'all.I am not giving up on these little chitlins. I have started a writing boot camp in room 101 and they hate me. I hate being a drill sergeant but I refuse to let them fail. I think it makes my blood pressure rise when I have to be on top of them all day and watch their every move. Maybe it will allow me to going to labor. That wouldn't be bad. After I drank my coffee the Kinder teacher came in my room and told me there were do-nuts in the lounge if I wanted one. I said sure bring me one. As she was leaving my room I yelled make it 2. WITH SPRINKLES. I chose Subway for lunch since I had been so bad this morning.
My training got cancelled Wednesday in the Woodlands so I had to do my own spray tan with Cody's help. I feel much better. I ended up ordering a number of shirts online since my trip to town never happened. I got three in today and they are super cute. And big. But whatev. I'm just thankful my favorite face powder is matching the color of my skin again after the tan. It's the little things.
Jake started feeling bad Wednesday night. We had late start on Thursday. I took his temp and it was a little over 100. He came to school with me and laid on a bean bag all day in my room. Mom came down this morning and took care of him while I was at school. Cody has been working nights this week so when he got up at 1 he text me and said Jake was running a 103 fever. I called the clinic here in town for them to look at him. Of course he always gets sick on a Friday, and as much as I hate to take him to the doctor I am usually scared to let it go in to the weekend. This is where I will brag on my husband....My mom left when Cody got up at 1. Cody worked all night, came home and slept for five hours, and got up and took Jake to the doctor. None the less the doctor said it was a viral infection and it would have to run its course. Cody did leave with two bottles of medicine that I can use next time this happens. I always love that. Especially if it has a refill on the label. Makes me feel like I got my moneys worth. I asked Cody what he had to pay and he said the girl said she didn't know so she was going to bill him? I am not sure where else in America that can happen but Centerville, Texas. Cody sends me this picture at school right before the doctor. I love this kid!

We have had a very relaxing Friday night. It was frozen pizza for dinner. We had homemade ranch so that makes up for something. Homemade ranch makes Totinos taste good.
We will install a new front and back door tomorrow. I will make sure I will post a pic. The front door is beautiful and I have been waiting forever to get it in. This weather has not helped. Apparently you can't stain wood in low freezing temps. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!

I almost forgot- As I was tucking Jake in tonight he asked me if he could give me a chest bump instead of a kiss?!!! After I got myself together I informed him you don't chest bump your mother. Y'all pray for me.

1 comment:

  1. Where do you order your shirts from? And that chest bump thing cracked me up. That kid is hi-larious!
