Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jake is 4

 I can't believe Jake is already 4. I cried on his birthday numerous times including before I even got out of bed that morning. We have been through so much in his little four years of life and I have always promised him I would never settle for anything less than the best for his life. We struggled for a few years by ourselves and there is no doubt in my mind it is the reason we share such a special bond. The day we met Cody everything fell right in to place and now we are a family. What I have always promised him. Cody and Jake are such an awesome pair. He loves Cody so much. Cody is so loving to him. I have always heard how hard being a step parent is but Cody stepped right in and I can't imagine what our life would be like without Cody. There are so many times I just look at Jake and tears come to my eyes because it's so hard for me to grasp that he is mine, that God created such an awesome little boy through me, and that I am the one who gets to enjoy and love him. We had a small party that was the one and only Toy Story 3 theme. These are some things Jake is doing at 4 and I hope I don't leave anything out.


   You are a hand full, a mess. A smart and cute mess. You are a typical boy who loves to get dirty, jump off the couches, pushes your limits, and cause mom heart attacks on a daily basis. You absolutely love the guitar. You watch CMT or GAC and just play your guitar to the songs. You are already telling us you will be on the stage one day and all those people will be there to watch you. You ask on an average of 400 questions a day and we try to answer all of them. I know you are just curious about so many things and it will only make you smarter.  You associate everything with color. It amazes us. You can tell us what color a persons shirt was days later or tell us what color a school was because of the blue overhang over the front that I would have never even noticed.  You are so crazy about your grammy and paw paw white hair. You think your Uncle Stephen has hung the moon and whatever he says is the funniest stuff ever and he's always right. You love sports and can play anything. You can make a basket on a 9' goal, you can throw a perfect spiral football, you can hit a baseball out of the park(left & right handed) You can't pronounce your L just yet so it makes the sound of W when you talk. You wuv us and you wuv your weapster. Cody tries to teach you the correct L sound but I kinda like it so I tell him you will learn how to say it soon enough. You are very healthy and you don't realize how strong you are. The muscles in your shoulders and quads make me think you will be one heck of a football player one day. You are so sweet and are very affectionate. I know this will end one day soon so I eat it up now! You love to snuggle with us and tell us you love us just driving down the road. You have a blanky you never leave home without. It has had its better days. When you were a teething baby you used to chew on this blanky and it has developed in to a habit. You have chewed holes in this blanky on every corner. I am hoping you are able to leave the blanky the first day of Kindergarten. Your favorite saying right now when I tell you to do something is, " are you just kidding? You want do to everything not all by yourself but "all myself." "Mom, I can do it all myself!!" You are a very funny little boy and we thank God everyday for you. You bring so much happiness and joy to our lives. I know you are going to be such a BIG DEAL when you grow up. We love you sooo  soooo soooo much! Happy Birthday Jake Conner!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, God has really blessed you and Jake and now your entire family! Bless you all!
