Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TAKS and Baby Showers

I have not blogged in a week. I am ashamed. I have had one thing on my mind. TAKS. It's so sad that my little ole salary depends on that test. If I can get through next Tuesday I will be golden. I need prayers, BIG ones. Not just for me but for these sweet kiddos that are just as stressed as I am. At this point I will be praying over them, their chairs, desks, pencils, booklets, and answer sheets. And I know they will do wonderful!

We had a very busy weekend. I am thankful for busy these days. I am ready for Luke to grace us with his presence. Friday night Jake went to his dads. I always hate those days. Anyway- Cody and I had a weekend to ourselves which has not happened in months and will not be happening for another 18 years. We went to Galveston on Saturday and stayed at one of my favorite hotels, San Luis. Some of my very favorite people were there including my best friend. We had a great time. I made it to a whopping 9:30 before I went upstairs for bed. And that was pushing it. Cody stayed downstairs and hung out until his 11 o'clock curfew. He tried to push it but was only a few minutes late. Oh, his nine months are coming. I have already warned him. I may throw in a few extra months for all I have been through this go round!

Sunday we came home in time for my shower. It was perfect. When I found out I was prego all of my girl friends said how they just couldn't wait to throw me a shower. I did not want a shower nor did I want to register. This is my second child and he is a boy, just like Jake. I just hate to think every time some of these people see me they feel like they need to buy me a gift. Needless to say, I am having two showers and I had one at school. The two that have already happened have been perfect. Just the perfect size. I am looking forward to my shower next weekend at Tommy Bahamas with all of my girlfriends. We don't get to see each other near enough so this will be a treat for sure.

Cody is working days for the next month, hallelujah! Things were tough last week. Jake had me constantly up and down in the evenings. He wore me out so much I called Dora on Saturday and set her up to start cleaning again every week. Now if only I could find someone to do the laundry exactly the way I do,  I would be set. I would actually pay her double what I pay Dora. I haven't seen the floor in my laundry room in 9 months.

I started walking again. I have not been getting any sleep. I resorted to the couch last night. And back to the bed at 3:30. That's 3 times I was up not counting the other 3 I was up using the bathroom. I can smell my 6 weeks off, its soooo close.

This actually has nothing to do with my shower but this is Stetson. He's my 8 year old Chihuahua that thinks he's being so mistreated cause hes outside. He cracks me up!

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