Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brad Paisley - He Didn't Have To Be

Jake is Grown

I have been wanting to make sure I blogged some things about Jake because it seems he has really grown up overnight and its freaking me out.

You are getting so big and are becoming so independent. It's a very good thing you have a little brother that will be here very soon or I would NOT allow it. You have depended on me for so long for everything and the day you turned 4 it all changed. You are using big words in every sentence and they are all in the right context. You have developed this sense of being a little over dramatic when you talk or try and tell me a story and it cracks me up! If I tell you to do something and have the slightest voice change you tell me, mom, uh, don't talk to me like that." I have some bad news for you, I am your mom and will talk to you in any way I need for you to listen. And it's usually not the normal tone that gets the job done. You have went to wearing a night time diaper to undies and have not have but a few accidents in a month. You will hate me for this one but you are going #2 all by yourself. I am not having to help you one bit. I worry everyday about what you will do at school if you need the bathroom. But now that you seem to be grown I guess I can worry no more! You have been very interested in writing all of your letters and spelling all of our names. Your name looks so awesome when you write it and can pretty much write every letter I tell you. You are all of the sudden not interested in your all time favorite show, Little Einsteins, because you say it's for babies. Son, no matter how big you ever think you are it's not true. You will always be mommy's baby and I will rock you and hold you as long as I possibly can. You will never be too big for me and don't you forget it. I cherish our 30 minute drive to school two times a day because it is just me and you and we get to talk about whatever we want. I have loved sleeping with you the past few weeks. Your bed is the only one I can get in and out of easily and I get the best sleep because your brother is out of control big at this point.

Funny things you said this week-
You were playing at Aunt Sara's on Sunday and your clothes were wet from the pool. I was trying to get them off of you and you said, "it's going to difficult to get these off cause they are wet." Brooke and I about died!
You have had a runny nose and congested so you sneezed in the car on the way to school. We try to teach you to sneeze in your sleeve so you don't spread germs. As you sneezed in your elbow you told me, I bless you'd in my elbow and I don't have any snot!"

Cody mentioned something about this song in the car the other day and after watching the video I want you to know you are a lucky little boy to have not only one daddy that loves you so much, but Cody too.


  1. I'm are such a good mommy too! I love you and Jake and Cody. Luke is a lucky little boy to come into the family you guys have created!

  2. i cried too. lol. whats new? i cant wait for luke. soooo close:)
