I promised myself I would not blog at night anymore after the last incident. Last week I was laying in bed with Jake while Cody was at work and decided to blog about how cute, funny, and smart he is. The next morning I vaguely remember even blogging. I am the head hit the pillow, I'm out, kind of sleeper so I have no clue why I thought it would be a good idea to blog. Anyway, I got to school and decided to look at it and realized my blog did not make any sense and all 15 of my followers were no longer. I apologize to any of you that read the blog pre edit process. It was terrible.
I am wide awake tonight and just sat down for the first time this evening. My house is in complete shambles. I had to clear a spot to sit in the living room. Jake is with his dad until tomorrow so I have been able to get everything out and wrap it. I shopped all day long today with my mother in law to get the last minute things I needed. We are leaving tomorrow for our long journey to spend Christmas with my brother and his family in Morgan City, Louisiana. I am regretting the hours I spent making bows for these cute boxes and curling ribbon with the edge of my scissors to throw it all in a box and pray it doesn't rain the whole way! Either way, it's going to be a hilarious trip, my brother may be the funniest guy you have ever met.
I am blogging tonight for one particular reason. I want to share a story that gave me the chills tonight and prove to my children our God is an awesome one. He plans it all before we have any idea what's going on. Here it goes...
A few weeks ago mom came up to stay with me and the boys while Cody was working nights. When she got here she went on and on about some kids she saw walking home on the hwy we live on. She was very upset a mother would let children this young walk home when it's getting close to dark or just walk period. After explaining to the small boys she was not going to hurt them but just wanted to drive behind them to make sure they got home safe she turned around at their hot pink house and came to mine. She would not let it go. Like to the point I finally had to tell her," mom I see this everyday in my classroom. You just can't save everybody."
I contacted Abby a month or so ago asking if she knew of a family I could adopt here because her daughter is in school in Centerville. She contacted Peyton's teacher and replied back with 4 names and their lists. I was set. Little did I know Cody and I would get robbed and have to spend money on replacing some items at Christmas time of all times. I was beginning to question myself as to should I have even done this? I knew that some family out there was depending on us and I had to make it happen. We went and bought all of the gifts today and met one of the girls at the school to deliver the gifts because she didn't have room in her car for it all. I had no plans on going with her UNTIL when we were all loaded up and she said mumbled directions and I heard 3 words. THE PINK HOUSE. We were going to the pink house. The one my mom has been worried about for over a month now. Of course, I got chills all over and had no question as to was I doing the right thing. I KNEW from that point on we would have the most wonderful Christmas ever. Delivering the presents was a eye opener but knowing it's all in God's hands gives me so much peace about those children. I immediately called mom and told her God is walking everyday with those sweet babies from school and she can rest easy knowing that.
Merry Christmas my sweet friends! Hope you all have a blessed weekend!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
4 year old wisdom
I have noticed Jake is going through one of those "growing up" stages again. He gets sweeter by the day. And witty. I have rubbed off on him and realized I am raising the most sarcastic child ever. Nothing like me, of course.
Some funny conversations lately:
1. Cody and I were going to have a night out and the boys were going to stay with mom. All of the other grand kids were at her house too....
Me: Jake, I put your pj's and blanket in your bag.
Jake: I don't want to bring my blanket.
Me: Jake, I'm not coming home early if you are crying because you don't have it. None of your cousins will see it. Leave it in the bag until it's bedtime.
Cody: What are you going to do when he is playing football at Texas? Call and say do you have your blanket for bedtime?
Me: I will drive to Austin every night at bedtime and tuck him in if I have to!
Cody and Jake laugh and Jake turns to me and says," yea, good one mom"
2. I was cooking dinner last week and as I was chopping potatoes and half of it fell on the floor. Jake quietly chuckles and says,"awesome."
3. Jake's teacher came to my room and told me Jake went to the bathroom and came back out very quick. She asked him if he washed his hands? He said well no cause I didn't even "touch it"
4 And tonight: he asked me what he would do when he was 15? I said well you won't be driving, but you will be a big boy and mommy will be very old. He says,"that's ok
mom, I will still love you!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Some funny conversations lately:
1. Cody and I were going to have a night out and the boys were going to stay with mom. All of the other grand kids were at her house too....
Me: Jake, I put your pj's and blanket in your bag.
Jake: I don't want to bring my blanket.
Me: Jake, I'm not coming home early if you are crying because you don't have it. None of your cousins will see it. Leave it in the bag until it's bedtime.
Cody: What are you going to do when he is playing football at Texas? Call and say do you have your blanket for bedtime?
Me: I will drive to Austin every night at bedtime and tuck him in if I have to!
Cody and Jake laugh and Jake turns to me and says," yea, good one mom"
2. I was cooking dinner last week and as I was chopping potatoes and half of it fell on the floor. Jake quietly chuckles and says,"awesome."
3. Jake's teacher came to my room and told me Jake went to the bathroom and came back out very quick. She asked him if he washed his hands? He said well no cause I didn't even "touch it"
4 And tonight: he asked me what he would do when he was 15? I said well you won't be driving, but you will be a big boy and mommy will be very old. He says,"that's ok
mom, I will still love you!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
So Violated
I'm supposed to be getting my Christmas cards ready to mail out. When you get them for New Years just know I have had them the whole time. I just can't get in the spirit.
Tonight is the only night we don't have anywhere to be after school. Family is coming in on Friday and I am wondering when I will be able to not clean, but at least straighten my house. I am lucky CJ and Harper love us so much and don't care what my house looks like! Cody is on evenings and it's so hard without him home. Once my schedule is back to normal I am going to try this at home. I think it will work but it may take me 30 minutes. I spend 15 washing dishes and picking up. Maybe I could talk Cody in to the picking up part and I could do the cleaning. I actually love that idea. I will let you know if it works. I dated a guy once that always joked about Mondays being vacuum day and he would have to hold the vacuum up in the air for his mom to do the fans. Even though my children will never be able to say that about their mom, I hope I am never that bad. Who does ceiling fans once a week? I just never turn them off and you can't tell if they are dusty or not. I have realized the older I get the worse I am. It's bad. Like even when I pack the car for out of town I catch myself telling Cody how to do it. I can't relax if its not done the way I like it. Is there an pill for that?
Last weekend Cody and I were so excited to get away for the weekend. His Christmas party was in College Station on Saturday night so we went up Friday to hang out and do some Christmas shopping. We checked in our hotel about 8, dropped off our things, and met friends at Roadhouse at 8:30. After stopping off at Fox N' Hound we got back to our room at 12:30. As I was getting in the shower I noticed our bags were gone. The front desk, of course, had no clue where our stuff was. We filed a police report and insisted on being transferred to another hotel. The police were able to see they used some kind of tool to break in our room. It was the weirdest thing. The first thing Cody and I noticed was that there were NO cars in the parking lot of Homewood Suites that night. Some body had to watch us go to our room and watch us leave. They had to know what room we went in. I cried and cried and just wanted to go home. Cody wasn't having it. After I made a trip to Wal- Mart, the mall, and Ulta the hotel called and said they found our bags on the 4th floor in a vacant room. SO WEIRD. They took anything worth any value out of our bags. Cody's pistol, my camera, and my jewelry. We pretty much had underwear left and we damn sure weren't wearing them. The room they found our bags in was a smoking room so our stuff REEKED. I cried more when they found our bags. I know that officer questioned if he should take me in and have me admitted. I don't know if you have ever had stuff stolen from you but I felt so violated. I still do. I made Cody clean out the bags and throw the bags away. Every time I have looked at them my stomach turns. The hotel has given me the complete run around and I am sure I am saved in the GM's cell phone as DON'T ANSWER. My mom has always told us if somebody steals from you they need it way worse and let them have it. The thing that makes me most upset is that it's Christmas time and I have no camera to take pictures of my kids. Yes, I will go buy a new one until we figure out if they are going to reimburse us or not. It's still just the point. I have tried not to ever use the word steal in front of Jake because students in my class always think someone else stole their things when they have misplaced it. He heard us talking about all this and is now very familiar with the word. Its become such a sad world we live in.
** Y'all know about my mom, I talk about her all the time. She was in Vegas last weekend for their annual sales meeting. I called her to tell her what happened that Saturday morning. Anytime I hear my mom's voice at a time like this I immediately start crying. This is what mom tells me," Dry your eyes, go buy what you need, call the Corporate office, and we will talk when we get home. I gotta go in a meeting." I knew at that point it was time for me to do just that. She is a tough woman!
The Nucor Kids Christmas party was last night. Nucor is who Cody works for. They are such an incredible company. For Christmas Cody was able to pick an iPad, $500.00 gift card to Academy, or $500.00 to Sears. They had all kinds of things set up for the kids to do. It was fun, and free dinner! Jake LOVED the chicken legs. He get it from his mama!!
Tonight is the only night we don't have anywhere to be after school. Family is coming in on Friday and I am wondering when I will be able to not clean, but at least straighten my house. I am lucky CJ and Harper love us so much and don't care what my house looks like! Cody is on evenings and it's so hard without him home. Once my schedule is back to normal I am going to try this at home. I think it will work but it may take me 30 minutes. I spend 15 washing dishes and picking up. Maybe I could talk Cody in to the picking up part and I could do the cleaning. I actually love that idea. I will let you know if it works. I dated a guy once that always joked about Mondays being vacuum day and he would have to hold the vacuum up in the air for his mom to do the fans. Even though my children will never be able to say that about their mom, I hope I am never that bad. Who does ceiling fans once a week? I just never turn them off and you can't tell if they are dusty or not. I have realized the older I get the worse I am. It's bad. Like even when I pack the car for out of town I catch myself telling Cody how to do it. I can't relax if its not done the way I like it. Is there an pill for that?
Last weekend Cody and I were so excited to get away for the weekend. His Christmas party was in College Station on Saturday night so we went up Friday to hang out and do some Christmas shopping. We checked in our hotel about 8, dropped off our things, and met friends at Roadhouse at 8:30. After stopping off at Fox N' Hound we got back to our room at 12:30. As I was getting in the shower I noticed our bags were gone. The front desk, of course, had no clue where our stuff was. We filed a police report and insisted on being transferred to another hotel. The police were able to see they used some kind of tool to break in our room. It was the weirdest thing. The first thing Cody and I noticed was that there were NO cars in the parking lot of Homewood Suites that night. Some body had to watch us go to our room and watch us leave. They had to know what room we went in. I cried and cried and just wanted to go home. Cody wasn't having it. After I made a trip to Wal- Mart, the mall, and Ulta the hotel called and said they found our bags on the 4th floor in a vacant room. SO WEIRD. They took anything worth any value out of our bags. Cody's pistol, my camera, and my jewelry. We pretty much had underwear left and we damn sure weren't wearing them. The room they found our bags in was a smoking room so our stuff REEKED. I cried more when they found our bags. I know that officer questioned if he should take me in and have me admitted. I don't know if you have ever had stuff stolen from you but I felt so violated. I still do. I made Cody clean out the bags and throw the bags away. Every time I have looked at them my stomach turns. The hotel has given me the complete run around and I am sure I am saved in the GM's cell phone as DON'T ANSWER. My mom has always told us if somebody steals from you they need it way worse and let them have it. The thing that makes me most upset is that it's Christmas time and I have no camera to take pictures of my kids. Yes, I will go buy a new one until we figure out if they are going to reimburse us or not. It's still just the point. I have tried not to ever use the word steal in front of Jake because students in my class always think someone else stole their things when they have misplaced it. He heard us talking about all this and is now very familiar with the word. Its become such a sad world we live in.
** Y'all know about my mom, I talk about her all the time. She was in Vegas last weekend for their annual sales meeting. I called her to tell her what happened that Saturday morning. Anytime I hear my mom's voice at a time like this I immediately start crying. This is what mom tells me," Dry your eyes, go buy what you need, call the Corporate office, and we will talk when we get home. I gotta go in a meeting." I knew at that point it was time for me to do just that. She is a tough woman!
The Nucor Kids Christmas party was last night. Nucor is who Cody works for. They are such an incredible company. For Christmas Cody was able to pick an iPad, $500.00 gift card to Academy, or $500.00 to Sears. They had all kinds of things set up for the kids to do. It was fun, and free dinner! Jake LOVED the chicken legs. He get it from his mama!!
Luke is officially pulling up on everything and I would not be surprised if he starts walking real soon. He pulled up for the first time over the Thanksgiving break. Cody made me type that. Cody lowered his crib yesterday and we started putting him in his crib at 8:30 when Jake goes to bed. It kills me to hear him cry but after he put his head directly on my shoulder when I got close to his crib last night, I know he is very much aware that staying up until 11:30 is not acceptable! He's just so precious.
I have Christmas break in 1.5 days and I am more than ready. You will find me and the boys chillin', and that's it.
Friday, December 9, 2011
It's the freakin' weekend
I started off the morning with a little dispute with the lady from our local post office. I went to pick up our mail yesterday and couldn't get the thing open. Jake tried and he couldn't either. I text Cody and told him to try and get the mail on the way home. He didn't have any luck. We then realized that they locked our box. It is a constant with these people. They are a joke, really. I am always getting my mother and sister in laws mail and they call my mother in law and tell her when I get a package. They locked our box because my name was not added to the list to receive mail there. I have lived in Centerville for almost 2 years. Her excuse was she was trying to get our "attention." After the conversation we had I am thinking my box will be WIDE OPEN when I get there today. She got my attention alright. Oh, the life in a small town.
Cody has been on nights all week and I am proud to say I survived! He was given the opportunity to work overtime and he took it. It's Christmas, who wouldn't take it? We did miss church this Wednesday and we will miss Sunday too because of his out of town Christmas party. It makes for a long week. Thank God for my dad and step mom. They are coming to stay with the kids for the WHOLE weekend. Do you understand what that means? Cody and I get a whole weekend without kids, shopping, Christmas party fun, free hotel, sleeping late, quiet, etc... I could really go on and on. I don't think I can count on my fingers and toes how many times we have each said how excited we are to get away!
Jake has become quite the helper around the house. Who would have known he would have become the sweet big brother 9 months ago? He fed Luke this week and even wanted to change his poopy diaper last night. Luke is everywhere right now. I knew my Christmas decorations would turn in to his favorite new toys. He loves the presents under the tree and any kind of lights he can get his hands on. The older I get the slower I move. I am thankful I have Jake to pick up my slack!!
I have become an avid pinner. I am slightly obsessed with the house decor ideas. I can honestly say Tuesday night is the first night I have actually sat down and studied our house plans. I have not wanted to get my hopes up about something that may not happen. I told Cody I am so glad we are building after Pinterst has come about. Decorating is my favorite thing to do and I feel like I am so out of practice because we only have so many options in our little house. I LOVE the house Cody found and I love the plan. He fired me from house plan hunting because every house I showed him was the ones I loved on the outside but the inside was nothing like I explained to him. I am getting very anxious and we still have so much to do. Please pray we sell our house QUICK so I can make all of my Pinterest dreams come true.
After today I have 4.5 days of school until two weeks off. My students have lost their minds and better bring me good presents this year to make up for it. They need the break as bad as I do.
Happy weekend!
Cody has been on nights all week and I am proud to say I survived! He was given the opportunity to work overtime and he took it. It's Christmas, who wouldn't take it? We did miss church this Wednesday and we will miss Sunday too because of his out of town Christmas party. It makes for a long week. Thank God for my dad and step mom. They are coming to stay with the kids for the WHOLE weekend. Do you understand what that means? Cody and I get a whole weekend without kids, shopping, Christmas party fun, free hotel, sleeping late, quiet, etc... I could really go on and on. I don't think I can count on my fingers and toes how many times we have each said how excited we are to get away!
Jake has become quite the helper around the house. Who would have known he would have become the sweet big brother 9 months ago? He fed Luke this week and even wanted to change his poopy diaper last night. Luke is everywhere right now. I knew my Christmas decorations would turn in to his favorite new toys. He loves the presents under the tree and any kind of lights he can get his hands on. The older I get the slower I move. I am thankful I have Jake to pick up my slack!!
I have become an avid pinner. I am slightly obsessed with the house decor ideas. I can honestly say Tuesday night is the first night I have actually sat down and studied our house plans. I have not wanted to get my hopes up about something that may not happen. I told Cody I am so glad we are building after Pinterst has come about. Decorating is my favorite thing to do and I feel like I am so out of practice because we only have so many options in our little house. I LOVE the house Cody found and I love the plan. He fired me from house plan hunting because every house I showed him was the ones I loved on the outside but the inside was nothing like I explained to him. I am getting very anxious and we still have so much to do. Please pray we sell our house QUICK so I can make all of my Pinterest dreams come true.
After today I have 4.5 days of school until two weeks off. My students have lost their minds and better bring me good presents this year to make up for it. They need the break as bad as I do.
Happy weekend!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Getting By
Who has time to blog? I am still kicking! May not be very high, but I'm still making it. The difference in one kid vs. two is HUGE and to think we will add another one day makes me so tired just thinking about it. I am very ready for Christmas break.
Luke is getting to the age where I can already tell him and Jake are going to be something else, together. It's almost like he already knows that Jake is going to be the typical big brother and he needs to get in all the free hits while he can. Anytime he is even close to Jake he is pulling his hair, tickling his feet, and in the middle of any toys he brings out. It cracks me up. I love just to sit back and watch.
I have taken a break from cooking. I know, it's so sad. I have been getting home later in the evenings and by the time I cook, clean up, and make lunches it's time for the boys bath and bed. So, as long as I am getting home at 5 or later my family will be eating something quick and so easy. Cody is my life saver. When he gets home he usually starts dinner and when I walk in I can make a quick side. I have got to have that time with the kids and my husband. It is definitely what keeps me going.
I am getting a new sewing machine for Christmas and I am so excited. Between Cody's mom and the DIY tutorials I am determined to make all of these clothes I pay for. I am a sucker for the matching outfits and they are usually the most expensive. I have this conclusion that this sewing thing is going to be much easier than it probably is. Y'all just sit back and see. If you never see me post one thing I have attempted to sew, don't ask questions. Just know it did not work out like I thought.
I know I am so boring right now and I apologize. We are all alive and well. Cody and I look forward to the days we can be in bed by 9 pm and days we get to sleep past 730 am. Blogging does not fit in the same time slots as it used to. The high light of my week was that I got 100 Christmas cards and 140 return address labels for 13 bucks! See what I mean....
**I do have a pretty big prayer request. My nephew, Colin, is having his knee surgery tomorrow. Please say a quick prayer for him, our family, and all of the medical staff that will be part of his surgery. There is a very small chance this could stunt his growth so we are hoping and praying for the best!
Have a great week!!
Luke is getting to the age where I can already tell him and Jake are going to be something else, together. It's almost like he already knows that Jake is going to be the typical big brother and he needs to get in all the free hits while he can. Anytime he is even close to Jake he is pulling his hair, tickling his feet, and in the middle of any toys he brings out. It cracks me up. I love just to sit back and watch.
I have taken a break from cooking. I know, it's so sad. I have been getting home later in the evenings and by the time I cook, clean up, and make lunches it's time for the boys bath and bed. So, as long as I am getting home at 5 or later my family will be eating something quick and so easy. Cody is my life saver. When he gets home he usually starts dinner and when I walk in I can make a quick side. I have got to have that time with the kids and my husband. It is definitely what keeps me going.
I am getting a new sewing machine for Christmas and I am so excited. Between Cody's mom and the DIY tutorials I am determined to make all of these clothes I pay for. I am a sucker for the matching outfits and they are usually the most expensive. I have this conclusion that this sewing thing is going to be much easier than it probably is. Y'all just sit back and see. If you never see me post one thing I have attempted to sew, don't ask questions. Just know it did not work out like I thought.
I know I am so boring right now and I apologize. We are all alive and well. Cody and I look forward to the days we can be in bed by 9 pm and days we get to sleep past 730 am. Blogging does not fit in the same time slots as it used to. The high light of my week was that I got 100 Christmas cards and 140 return address labels for 13 bucks! See what I mean....
**I do have a pretty big prayer request. My nephew, Colin, is having his knee surgery tomorrow. Please say a quick prayer for him, our family, and all of the medical staff that will be part of his surgery. There is a very small chance this could stunt his growth so we are hoping and praying for the best!
Have a great week!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I have no idea what happened to the cold weather but this weekend was spent in shorts and flip flops. Come on, it's November for goodness sake. I can't believe Thanksgiving is so close. Where does the time go of a working mother? I can't keep up. My little newborn baby will be 8 months in a week. How did this happen? I did refer to Luke as a newborn this weekend in the store. After the lady asked me how old he was I felt like a complete ditz when I said 8 months.
We ate until we almost popped on Friday night. I even ordered peach cobbler at Leona. You can't leave there without dessert. Like, they wont let you. Or that's whats I tell myself. My husband is a trip, y'all. He came in the room Friday as I was getting dressed to let me know he was ready to go.....
Saturday I cleaned out toy boxes that were overflowing. Jake came home from his dad's house and with the most serious face he came in the kitchen wondering where all of his toys went. Poor kid, he's so mistreated. I still have no clue where we will put Christmas toys when they get them. We are officially out of room. I know I have said this a million times before. Saturday night we had people over and Cody cooked his famous BBQ pork loin. It is my favorite meat ever. Abby and her family came over too. Jake and Luke love her girls.
We ate until we almost popped on Friday night. I even ordered peach cobbler at Leona. You can't leave there without dessert. Like, they wont let you. Or that's whats I tell myself. My husband is a trip, y'all. He came in the room Friday as I was getting dressed to let me know he was ready to go.....
Um, are y'all just going to let this happen?
In case you were wondering, the couch is his stage!
This is Marcus, Cody's cousin. He is definitely one of Jake's absolute favorites. Marcus and Becky are getting married this weekend. We are so excited for them! And as you can tell, kids can't come soon enough for this guy! He will be an awesome dad.
I need to update on the boys. Here it goes-
Luke Thomas-
You are the happiest child I have ever seen. You have had a terrible time with your ears and most of the time I never even know you have an ear infection if it weren't for the fever that comes with it. YOU. NEVER. CRY. You absolutely love your big brother. All he has to do is look at you and you light up. You are starting to wander all around the house. You will army crawl from one room to another. You say mama, dada, buba, bye bye, and gaga. You can wave and say bye bye. You have EIGHT teeth at 7 months old. I am pretty sure this is why you have been sick every other week. You love to eat. Carrots, squash, pears, and apples are your favorite. You love bath time. I have started letting you play around with a sippy cup and it will keep you entertained for hours. If you see something you want you will make a quick scream until you get it. We have started putting you in a walker that Granny brought back from Louisiana. You love being able to roll all over the carport and house. You will fight your sleep until you have nothing left. As I rock you, you sing yourself to sleep and right before you fall asleep you make yourself move to wake yourself up. You look up at me with the biggest smile and let out one giggle. It is my favorite thing ever. I count down the hours until I get to walk in the door each evening to see your smiling face. I love you, sweet boy!
Jake Conner-
You are too precious for words, even on weeks like this one where you have been in trouble at school. You say the funniest things. Cody and I laugh at you constantly. You still rock out on a daily basis with your guitars. Your favorite thing to do is play guitars in the living room with Cody. You enjoy coming to school for one reason. Hayden. He is your best friend and after being out on the playground last week with y'all, I see why. Hayden is just as rough as you and y'all are two peas in a pod. You are a very smart little boy and your memory is better than mine on any given day. You are beginning to read and I love to hear you! You went on your first hunting trip two weeks ago with Uncle Stephen, Colin, and Cody. By Saturday you were calling mama and telling me you wanted to come home. You are a mama's boy and are not one bit ashamed. You are still carrying around your chewed up blanket and I am thinking it may be time to start leaving it at home. This is harder for me to admit that than you can ever imagine. You are currently going through a chocolate milk detox. I threw all of the candy, chocolate syrup, and strawberry syrup out of our house two weeks ago. You were addicted. This has made me realize you are the hungriest child I have ever seen. You have been eating EVERYTHING! I have signed you up for basketball and we start next month. I can't wait! You got in trouble at school this week for the first time this year. Mr. C, the music teacher, who just happened to give you one of his guitars last week, was trying to get your class quiet. Y'all were all saying gobble, gobble over and over again. He told the class the next one that says it will get their paper thrown in the trash. You decided it would be funny if you looked at him and said gobble, gobble just one more time. I know when you read this in 15 years you will think this is hilarious and I am sure I will too. But for now all it is doing is giving me grey hair, and you a red hiney. I would be completely lost without all of the excitement you bring to my life. I love you, my angel.
The things that come out of my child's mouth....
I will try to make this as short as possible. Last weekend Jake was looking through the pictures on my phone. He came across an Adam & Eve costume I took a picture of to send to my SIL that was going to a costume party. He asked who it was? I told him that was an Adam & Eve costume. He then tells me," Adam & Eve are in trouble, Mom. They were in the garden and they got in trouble. I said, why were they in trouble?" This is how you know you have a child that is being raised in the south. He says they were in trouble for eating "watermelon."
Last week Cody shot a deer and we met him over at his parents' to see it. They were about to start cleaning the deer and I asked Jake if he wanted to come inside with me becuase it was probably going to be nasty. His response," no I saw UIncle Stephen skin a dove until it was naked, I don't care if there is blood."
Hope y'all have a great week!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Giving Thanks All The Way Around
Today is Veteran's Day and Donna Fox's birthday. Y'all know how I feel about my mama. Happy Birthday, mom. My mom has informed me that she is starting a blog. This should be interesting! Stay tuned....
We had a program this morning at school that I helped put together for Veteran's Day. It was so awesome. I am such a crier and I cried almost the whole time. The pictures with soldiers' and their kids get me every time. My best friend Amber, who serves in the Army, left her newborn baby a few years ago to do her deployment in Iraq. I cant even imagine leaving my child. It is not an option for me, and there is some, where its the ONLY option. I think I am such a strong person but things like this totally put things in perspective. I am so weak compared to these men and women. Say an extra prayer today for all of those that have been away from their families for any amount of time.
Cody and I went to church Wednesday and the lesson was over The Trinity. I learned so much and there is still so much to learn. The hardest thing to wrap my mind around is that Jesus was here from the beginning. Not just the New Testament. I have always thought of God as a superior obviously, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all of equal. One is no more superior than the other. Brooke, did a post a few weeks ago on The Trinity and I agree with every word of it. It's a great post. This Wednesday night class has got me hooked. He talked more about forgiveness. This is so hard for me but I am getting better. I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but no matter what, He always does. I have to be more like Him and forgive when sometimes its not deserved, simply because that is the way. We are so blessed to have Father Lowry here. It is often very hard to get a good priest in such a small town.
Cody and I are having a date night in Leona. They pretty much have the best steaks in town. Date nights with my husband makes me more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. My next post will be about these chi-rens of mine. They are growin up quick, and I don't wanna miss a thing!
We had a program this morning at school that I helped put together for Veteran's Day. It was so awesome. I am such a crier and I cried almost the whole time. The pictures with soldiers' and their kids get me every time. My best friend Amber, who serves in the Army, left her newborn baby a few years ago to do her deployment in Iraq. I cant even imagine leaving my child. It is not an option for me, and there is some, where its the ONLY option. I think I am such a strong person but things like this totally put things in perspective. I am so weak compared to these men and women. Say an extra prayer today for all of those that have been away from their families for any amount of time.
Cody and I went to church Wednesday and the lesson was over The Trinity. I learned so much and there is still so much to learn. The hardest thing to wrap my mind around is that Jesus was here from the beginning. Not just the New Testament. I have always thought of God as a superior obviously, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all of equal. One is no more superior than the other. Brooke, did a post a few weeks ago on The Trinity and I agree with every word of it. It's a great post. This Wednesday night class has got me hooked. He talked more about forgiveness. This is so hard for me but I am getting better. I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but no matter what, He always does. I have to be more like Him and forgive when sometimes its not deserved, simply because that is the way. We are so blessed to have Father Lowry here. It is often very hard to get a good priest in such a small town.
Cody and I are having a date night in Leona. They pretty much have the best steaks in town. Date nights with my husband makes me more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. My next post will be about these chi-rens of mine. They are growin up quick, and I don't wanna miss a thing!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Heaven and Hot Tea
I have no voice and it makes it very hard to teach. My kids are testing for the next 3 days so that will be a little easier. They really have been so sweet since I have been sick. One brought me breakfast this morning and one brought hot tea. Have I ever mentioned I LOVE HOT TEA! These little chitlins can be sweet when they want to be.
A front is blowing in as I type. It is thundering and the wind is blowing like crazy. I.LOVE.IT!!! I am worried about Jake over in his classroom. He still gets scared when the weather is like this. I am ready for jackets, scarves, and boots. Not to mention Osh Kosh and Children's Place were having a HUGE sale last week and I got the boys the cutest sweaters and flannel shirts. Christmas being so close stresses me out and I swear I would like to shoot myself about this time because I should have started shopping ohhhhh 6 months ago. Jake is supposed to be going to his dads for the very first time this year on Christmas. Which means he will not wake up with us on Christmas morning. I am still plotting a way to get out of this one..
We talked last night at the dinner table about what we are thankful for. Jake has obviously been talking about the same thing in class. He said he was thankful for Jesus and family. Any other time his response would have been guitars, my chewed up blanket, and chocolate. Cody chimed in and said he was thankful for 2 healthy boys after he pointed out he felt like he was in an AA meeting!!
Cody and I have been reading at night like I talked about in a previous blog. There was one sentence that we read a few weeks ago that has kind of stuck with me. I wanted to share because I know other working moms like me get busy from time to time and don't stop and think about the most important things. The sentence was...You are responsible for getting your spouse, children, and family to Heaven. If you don't, who will? Yes, of course, I think of the example I set for my children and try and do all of the right things so they will grow up wonderful young men, and one day make great husbands. But I think I do take for granted sometimes that Jake attends a private, Christian school and I depend on his teacher to teach him things about the bible and heaven. I can remember as a child my mom describing what what she thought heaven would look like and what all I could do there and see. As Cody and I read this it all kind of hit me like a ton of bricks. Jake knows that Jesus lives in his heart, he knows that Jesus loves when he is honest, he knows that Jesus forgives as many times as you ask, he knows he has to forgive, and he knows He is our father. But does he know how amazing eternal life is or even what it is? Does he know what heaven looks like and that people who once suffered do not suffer anymore? Jake and I have a 35 minute drive to school each way, every day. We have started talking so much more. And I am explaining so much more.
Praise Jesus for this cold weather blowing in and endless hot tea!! Have a terrific Tuesday!
A front is blowing in as I type. It is thundering and the wind is blowing like crazy. I.LOVE.IT!!! I am worried about Jake over in his classroom. He still gets scared when the weather is like this. I am ready for jackets, scarves, and boots. Not to mention Osh Kosh and Children's Place were having a HUGE sale last week and I got the boys the cutest sweaters and flannel shirts. Christmas being so close stresses me out and I swear I would like to shoot myself about this time because I should have started shopping ohhhhh 6 months ago. Jake is supposed to be going to his dads for the very first time this year on Christmas. Which means he will not wake up with us on Christmas morning. I am still plotting a way to get out of this one..
We talked last night at the dinner table about what we are thankful for. Jake has obviously been talking about the same thing in class. He said he was thankful for Jesus and family. Any other time his response would have been guitars, my chewed up blanket, and chocolate. Cody chimed in and said he was thankful for 2 healthy boys after he pointed out he felt like he was in an AA meeting!!
Cody and I have been reading at night like I talked about in a previous blog. There was one sentence that we read a few weeks ago that has kind of stuck with me. I wanted to share because I know other working moms like me get busy from time to time and don't stop and think about the most important things. The sentence was...You are responsible for getting your spouse, children, and family to Heaven. If you don't, who will? Yes, of course, I think of the example I set for my children and try and do all of the right things so they will grow up wonderful young men, and one day make great husbands. But I think I do take for granted sometimes that Jake attends a private, Christian school and I depend on his teacher to teach him things about the bible and heaven. I can remember as a child my mom describing what what she thought heaven would look like and what all I could do there and see. As Cody and I read this it all kind of hit me like a ton of bricks. Jake knows that Jesus lives in his heart, he knows that Jesus loves when he is honest, he knows that Jesus forgives as many times as you ask, he knows he has to forgive, and he knows He is our father. But does he know how amazing eternal life is or even what it is? Does he know what heaven looks like and that people who once suffered do not suffer anymore? Jake and I have a 35 minute drive to school each way, every day. We have started talking so much more. And I am explaining so much more.
Praise Jesus for this cold weather blowing in and endless hot tea!! Have a terrific Tuesday!
Monday, November 7, 2011
It's a Miracle I Didn't Lose My Mind!
So my collage up there is WAY out of date. My face was HUGE and why in the world would I ever put that picture up there?! I took our family pictures yesterday. I promised myself I would learn to use my camera and photo shop. For sanity purposes I would advise paying someone to photograph your family. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!! It is a true miracle Cody and Jake are still alive after these pictures. I am not sure who is worse...Cody or Jake's skills at listening and following directions. I promise you if I would have had some sort of pills I would have taken them after this.
I love this sweet family of mine.
I love this sweet family of mine.
Pictures from OcToBeR
These pictures are in no particular order. I have been trying to get these up since Friday. I would like to do a real post sometime soon!! Enjoy!
Grandparents Day
Out at the property
Fall Festival
Mom's new kitchen....Absolutely Gorgeous
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