I am back at work today and I am enjoying it! My students don't come back until tomorrow so my classroom is QUIET. This never happens. I can't believe I have looked forward to these two weeks off for so long now and BAMMM it's over. I swore I was going to clean out closets, organize the house, and begin on the nursery. None of that actually happened. I did get to spend some awesome time with Cody, Jake, family, and friends.
Jake got his first haircut without crying OR sitting on my lap. I have no clue why the kid is almost 4 and is scared to death of a haircut. If you could see the chop jobs he has had in the past, I may be scared too. He was such a big boy. I had to take a pic because Cody would have never believed me. It is now Cody's job to take him to get a haircut. Who knows better than a guy if the kid needs a 2 or 3 on the sides? Jake, you can blame mommy for all the jacked up haircuts when you see pictures. Mommy did what she could!!

I am going to update on Christmas for Jake! We made a gingerbread man/cake for Santa this year instead of the usual cookies and milk. Nowhere on the package did it say make a yellow cake with chocolate icing. But it did say the cookie that was supposed to go in the pan was only 2 grams of fat and I made the executive decision that was boring and Santa would enjoy the cake MUCH better! And I was right:)

You look like a real rock star and you may be the cutest thing I have ever seen. You also got a guitar pick from the Bellamy Brothers from Granny. You don't know who they are so we put it up until you get older. Christmas was so much fun for you this year. You got trucks, trailers, remote controlled cars, books, and the list goes on. You love one thing.....ELECTRIC GUITAR! You amaze me with the rhythm and how much you love this instrument. You make mommy so proud. I tell Cody he will be singing back up for you one day.

You would never know but I do have a very fancy camera that I continue to leave the cord at home when I come to school. I may upload my good pics when I get home. Just because...
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