Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am by far no expert on this topic and am always taking advice from couples that have been married for years. I know Cody thinks I'm a complete lunatic but marriage and divorce have been on my mind so much lately. I know you all are probably thinking oh no are they getting divorced? UMMMM, NO. I actually ask God every day why do people say this is hard? Why do people say marriage is sooo much work? Cody and I have an awesome marriage and I can't imagine ever having any problems. I have heard of more people in the past two months getting divorced than I ever have in my life. It may always be this way and I just wasn't aware until I got married. I have been reading every article I see about how to make marriages last! I commend any couple who can pull through hard times and work things out. I think people take the easy way out and give up too quickly. I do understand there are circumstances that can not be worked out. I mean I did have a child without being married and was looked at like a complete failure by so many people who I thought I knew so well. They would ask me,"Oh no, your pregnant? What are you going to do?" My response, "Um, I'm 25 years old, I'm going to have a baby and take care of it." And that's just what I did. Don't get me wrong I came from a broken home and I will beat those odds because my chance is much higher than Cody's since his parents are still married. My point is not to judge or even give advice on this topic because it is so controversial. It's just been on my mind so much lately. One statistic that has stuck in my mind is that if your best friend gets divorced your chances to get divorced go up 147%. That's just NUTS to me! So many people have recommended the book The Five Love Languages. While I was doing some Christmas shopping I picked it up and began reading it this past weekend, and it's really cool so far. I honestly think men are from another planet sometimes so it helps you understand things you may not have before. Cody is going to read it after me, it does no good for one to read it and not the other! I also have a little book my best friend gave me of short stories that couples wrote who had been married 50+ years. It's really cute and opens my eyes to things I would never think twice about. So many things makes sense and have fallen into place since I married Cody and I thank God everyday for him. I really don't know how I ever raised a child or lived without him. Let me know if you have read anything that you loved or helped your marriage!

Reasons I love my husband- Yesterday when I got home the laundry room and storage shed that is outside of our house was completely cleaned out. I had a very small pathway to the washer and dryer before. It was a complete disaster. I could not have organized it better! And I had just wrote on how I needed to organize things in the house!!

Last week he was teasing me about something before I went to bed. I can't even remember what it was but he came in the room after I laid down and tried to give me a kiss and of course I would turn over every time he would try and kiss me goodnight. He said what if I walk in the living room and fall out dead? You would feel terrible cause you didn't kiss me goodnight or tell me you love me. I still wasn't budging! He finally gave up and as he was walking out of our door way he falls out on the floor acting like he was dead making the loudest bang on the way down. Of course, I could not hold it in anymore and began laughing hysterically!! The man is a complete trip!!

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