Friday, January 7, 2011

Fist-Pumping Friday

This week has flown by and I am so excited! On Wednesday, Jake had a stomach bug so we were home from school. I hate when kids are sick. It's the most helpless feeling. I do feel the need to brag though because Jake made it to the toilet every time!! Makes my job so much easier. I am dying today. I have had heartburn that is bad enough to make me want to pull every strand of hair out of my head. I am starting those stages during pregnancy where you can't sleep and are up all hours of the night. So not only am I tired but my throat and chest is on fire. Somebody once told me that oh heartburn means your child will have a ton of hair. I am going to stop listening to all these people that have had babies before I did.  I am starting to figure out they all lie. Pregnancy is not fun and heartburn does not equal hair. If I knew this baby boy was going to be born with incredible locks it would be one thing, but that's not guaranteed either.I had terrible heartburn with Jake and he was bald for a year! I called my doctors office in tears this morning. I can not get to the pharmacy fast enough. Whatever he has in mind better work, and fast! I am headed to the doctor today for another ultrasound. My placenta was too low last time so they just want to check things out. This is obviously very normal and they say it's nothing to worry about. I am just excited to see this sweet baby again. From what I have read he is almost 4 pounds. Jake felt him move Wednesday morning for the first time. He is so excited about having a little brother. He will not be excited when he sees every matching outfit we have bought the two of them. Especially since Luke will not be big enough to wear Cinch jeans and cowboy boots right away. That's pretty much all Jake will wear at this point in his life. Jake even asked me if Luke can call him Bubba when he is born. As rough as Jake is I'm pretty sure Luke will want to call him other names, I can only hope for Bubba. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Pray for my sanity, my husbands patience with me, and lots of SLEEP!! I have a lot of catching up to do.

1 comment:

  1. Aww..I love this post. And I hope you get to feeling better and get some rest!! Hope "Bubba" gets to feeling better too and hope that Lil Luke is doing great tucked in your belly!! =} Have a good weekend as well.
