Friday, January 21, 2011

Fist-Pumping Friday

I am 31 weeks pregnant and REALLY feeling it. My sleep is limited and I look like a blow fish. I am swelling more everyday. I went to the doctor yesterday and he doesn't seem to be worried. He did tell me to slow down and start taking it easy. Have you ever met Jake? He's a bull in a china cabinet! And you want me to slow down? Yea ok! I thought that running around like crazy would keep the weight off but that's not working either. Considering I gained ANOTHER 10 pounds last month. Don't ask how much I have gained, I will never tell. I have decided I will start walking when the weather warms up. It's just too dang cold right now.

My wedding pictures are on the way and I can hardly wait. I have been making Cody run to the post office every day to see if they are there. You can see a few on Heather's Blog.  Heather has been a friend of mine since high school. She has always designed  Christmas cards or Jake's birthday announcements for me, but one day she called and said hey I got a camera and I want to take some pictures of you and Jake. She said I'm not very good but I want to just try. Of course, the pics were amazing and she absolutely blows me away at how talented she is and probably has never taken a photography class in her life. She's just one of those people that just has it! The ones that make you sick! Hehe! She posted a slide show today of one of her very best friends that just had a baby. Oh my goodness, talk about emotional and anxious at the same time. This girl right here. It's a MUST SEE!

My friend Brooke's baby, Layton,  is in the hospital and needs prayers. He has an infection of some kind and I can't imagine how mentally and physically exhausted Brooke and Lance are. So pray for them too!

One of my favorite things I have been using on a daily basis that I wanted to share was my Pampered Chef apple cutter. This thing is sooo cool! Jake LOVES apples and I very seldom put them in his lunch because they take too long to cut. Or maybe because I make his lunch at night and I'm dead tired. For whatever reason, this thing cuts it in 2.5 seconds and makes me feel like I am super mom that he has apples in his lunch instead of a fruit roll up! I wish I could refer somebody that sold Pampered Chef  because I know you will all run out tomorrow and buy one, but my mother in law got it for me and I have no clue where she bought it!

Happy Friday,  and I will try and post some pictures of Luke's nursery this weekend!

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